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  • Hello, at 14:00 CEST today, we are having an update at the game and the Lobby. Lobby version 1.1.0 [Feature] Universes can be sorted by age at the game account list and sitting section. [Feature] The highscore gets updated more often now. [Bugfix] The country dropdown menu at the "show all servers" section works as intendeed. [Bugfix] The forgoten password page has now the footer at the bottom of the page. Game version 6.7.2 [New] Rule 13 in game. Max limitation of support. Regards, Your OGame T…

  • I'm sorry, but the trend is more and more the use of mobiles in here. This suggestion won't happen.

  • Bashing rule

    piink - - Test Server


    Hello, unfortunately, due to a small bug with the bashing notification system, we won't activate it in the Public Test Servers today. As soon as we have it fixed we will notify the new plan here. Regards, piink

  • @yurra watch out your language. This is a development and testing community, not a community for you to troll and insult/disrespect as you take part in any thread. Consider this a warning.

  • Bashing rule

    piink - - Test Server


    Good morning, on Monday, 16th of July, we will activate the Bashing notification system in the public test servers. The Bashing notification will pop up after the 6th attack. Please report issues if you find any. Happy testing! Your Ogame Team.

  • If there is no schedule or plan for a feature is cause it has not been developed. GF evaluates the features coming from the communities together with the needs of the game. Also the game development team brings up ideas and projects as the time passes. I'm afraid this is all I can tell.

  • Hyperspacetech increases Cargocapacity

    piink - - Suggestions


    I brought up the feature again into the development team, but there won't be a visible answer here or a schedule for the update in the near future.

  • Maintenance today

    piink - - Test Server


    Hello, we are going to have a small maintenance today at 14:00 CEST. This maintenance will not have any visible change, but will be part of the preparation for the upcoming Lobby release in the live servers.

  • Ship graphics / 3D Models ? =)

    piink - - Questions & Answers


    we don't have the graphics used for the video itself, we only have conceptual art from back then ( mostly used on facebook) you can have a look at the facebook gallery, maybe there is somethign you can use over there?

  • Server News

    piink - - Test Server


    Hello, we are experiencing some issues in the servers. From time to time you might experience some lag or the server going down for some seconds. We are aware of the issues and we are working on the fix already. We apologize for any inconvenience these issues might cause and thank you all for your understanding. Regards, Your OGame Team.

  • Update on the servers

    piink - - Test Server


    Hello, in a couple of minutes we will apply a small patch to the servers. This version has no visible changes, but it might prevent you from loging in your account for some minutes. Regards, Your OGame Team.

  • Lobby feedback&questions

    piink - - Feedback & Discussions


    yes, we will increase the sitting time frame with this feature

  • Lobby feedback&questions

    piink - - Feedback & Discussions


    Sorry for double posting, but I'm bringing the discussion alive by saying the update is done and the new features can be used now

  • 07.05: PTS Update

    piink - - Test Server


    Hello! There is a new version for the Lobby coming to the PTS, on Monday, 7th of May at 10:00 CEST. This version is coming with improvements to make the user experience a bit more comfortable once we implement the Lobby in the live servers. Here is the Changelog: OGame Lobby: [New] Server category and label for settings [New] Sitting function [New] Account merge (merge game accounts with different mails into the same Lobby account). [New] Mobile version Game version 6.7.0: [New] Indication of av…

  • Lobby feedback&questions

    piink - - Feedback & Discussions


    Quote from Dark Sky: “If you are logged in in the lobby account but don't have a game account, clicking "forgot password" in the lobby login automatically opens the lobby account instead of showing the "forgot password form" When you try to register a lobby account with already used email adress, you get the error "You have entered an invalid email address or an incorrect password.". That's not really helpful if you don't know that the email has already been used. If you reset the password of an…

  • Lobby feedback&questions

    piink - - Feedback & Discussions


    The cool down starts counting when the sitting finishes or is interrupted. If the owner of the game account does not log in while the sitting is happening, the cooldown will start when the sitting expires. If the owner of the account interrupts the sitting (meaning, log in in his game account while there is a token in place) the sitting is considered done and the account will not continue to be in Lobby of the person doing the sitting. In this case the cooldown start counting when the sitting is…

  • Lobby feedback&questions

    piink - - Feedback & Discussions


    The maximum sitting time as for now it is 24 hours (as per stated in the rules) and it is real time, meaning, the time doesn't stop counting if you log out. The cooldown is 7 days (following the game rules as well). The "sitter" can open as many game accounts as he/she wants in several tabs ( no issue there). Right now there are no limitations, more limitations (probably aggresive actions) have been requested for future updates.

  • Lobby feedback&questions

    piink - - Feedback & Discussions


    Quote from Crazy Pancake: “Fantastic effort to correct something that isn't really broken while known errors remain unresolved. Ok, ok, negative comment complete. Well, it is not broken, but it would be imposible to do sitting with the Lobby in place having the rest of your accounts untouched so we do believe it is an important step. Please stick to constructive criticisms here, thank you. Lots of posts here, my question is: Once I'm "linked" into the lobby and log in, will it automatically open…

  • [Spoiler] Sitting in the Lobby

    piink - - Test Server


    Hello! as we continue to work on the Lobby, we have more news for you. After collecting feedback from all OGame communities and evaluating the requests, we decided to include a "Sitting Feature" in the Lobby before releasing it into the live servers. This Sitting function will grant temporary access to another player to be able to take care of any game account you select from your Lobby. You will be able to grant access game accounts you select on your Lobby through a token. As soon as we have a…

  • Lobby Version 0.320

    piink - - Test Server


    Hello, a new version of the Lobby is coming this afternoon to the PTS. With this version, we are bringing the following changes [New] Current version is shown in the background. [Bug Fix] Dropdown menu is not at the top on the mobile version anymore. [Bug Fix] The link to the forums are now correct (Origin forum on PTS). [Bug Fix] Blocked game accounts not visualized in the Lobby. [Removed] Legal links (AGB/legal, Privacy Policy andT&C) from the dropdown menu.