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Search results 41-60 of 870.

  • Nothing, it´s gone! But thank you for testing the DM Debris Field Event! 54ef1cfe2dbd7e8d20f2044346feb75f.png LG

  • From not involved ppl all is simple and done in 5 minutes. I will spend 3€ for that phrase for you minion. For the sugg: NOPE. It was a decision by gamedesign 5 years ago and there is no plan to change it. Reason: Player B does not destroy anything. It is done by system based in a chance. Same way why you don´t get points after destroying a moon. LG

  • Currently it needs 2 clicks > reported LG

  • Version 6.3.4 discussion

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    The Mobile view is stored in the browser cookie. If not you will have the mobile view active every where. It works like that since Version 5.0.0 of OGame. LG

  • Missing Bar

    JoKy - - Archive


  • Missing Bar

    JoKy - - Archive


    Can´t reproduce it. Can you try again? We updated the version today again to get the "final" 6.3.4 for tomorrow and that was also part of a fix LG

  • Missing Bar

    JoKy - - Archive


    Hi! Should be fixed! LG

  • Version 6.3.4

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! Today we updated all PTS with an update of 6.3.4, containing several fixed: Quote: “ - Fix for Honor Points in Highscore - Fix for feedback redirect - Fix for preferences not loading directly - Change cursor on hover on jumpgate ship numbers - Add click function to numbers on jumpgate - Move planetbar up 2 pixels - Fix for Mobile view and fleetsend - Fixes for dropdowns in preferences - Fix Phalanx layout issues on mobile view ” We also activated the Rewardsystem an all live testservers. So …

  • *Update* The Missing Loca for mobile view in the galaxy-view was fixed. Will be fixed on live server with version 6.3.3 LG

  • 48 hr Vmode revamp

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    Yay the next vmode saving discussion thread \o/ - So you build up a fleet for which you can not pay the saving costs? To sum up: You want a deut free and 100% secure saving method and you are angy that you can´t do it as did in past with vmode? If you have an idea about an saving method and no the vmode will not be changed back to 24h, then post an sugg here in that board LG

  • Planets never had pictures there For Loca, we will have a look. It is also on live servers present LG Quote from janbank: “Big problem on android using chrome after update, pictures not showing and generally very slow. do not know what they have done to the game, but it is not for the better. ” Hmm For me all is fine. Maybe it is ISP related and not the game. Tried with mobile internet, chrome browser under android 7.0 LG

  • Feedback on Bermuda

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    The old servers are still there. Servers moved with new server number. Bevore servermove e.g. Bermuda was 671, not it is 801. The portal can´t handle this kind of change, also it can´t remove servers from your portal account. That´s why it will stay like this until the feature is included in the portal So, you have to login via normal startpage. LG

  • Feedback on Bermuda

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    Where do you get this? After which action? LG

  • Problems in Universe Bermuda

    JoKy - - Test Server


    The problem is solved for now, but may happen again this evening Feel free to poke us via Board, Ingamefeedback or IRC. We can write a Notify to the sysadmins, so they can give the server a kick Sysadmins and Developers are working hard on it to find a final solution. So what is different to normal servers? The so called PTS (Public testservers) are working on new Server Operating System version. Because of that, OGame needed some backendchanges to work with that enviroment and as you might know…

  • DF spawn event?

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    The event is currently not available LG

  • Server down? Login problem? 21.09.2016

    JoKy - - General


    Little bit offtopic But no there is no public pillory available LG

  • Hi! As you noticed, all livetestserver are forcing lag issues sometimes and also EH problems (hanging fleets). Because of this, we get a new hardware today around 14:00 german time. For this we will have a short downtime (some minutes). Please give us feedback if you are forcing problems afterwards e.g. again those EH issues! LG

  • OGame Tech created a Ticket internally some time ago LG

  • [bug] Whole fleet GONE

    JoKy - - General


    Check your planet again, it should be beamed back by system (it worked like that in retro OGame), hopefully. LG

  • Hi! After forcing some Eventhandler and Auctioneer-Problems during the weekend, we updated all livetestservers, inlcuding a fix for those issues. Thx for all your reports over weekend. Hopefully developers resolved the issue and you can continue testing the new version. If not, feel free to report! The