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Search results 281-290 of 290.

  • Edited

    Icegirl - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    There is no player, no matter if he is ranked #1 or #5000, who can sit 24 hours in front of his computer and watch out that nobody steals his resources or kills his fleet – everyone has got to go to work, school, or at least sleep for a few hours. During this time, the account would be open to possible attacks without any protection, and because of that fleetsaving has become one of the most important aspects of OGame. That means dispatching your own fleet with all resources from a planet or moo…

  • Merged version

    Icegirl - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    There is no player, no matter if he is ranked #1 or #5000, who can sit 24 hours in front of his computer and watch out that nobody steals his resources or kills his fleet – everyone has got to go to work, school, or at least sleep for a few hours. During this time, the account would be open to possible attacks without any protection, and because of that fleetsaving has become one of the most important aspects of OGame. That means dispatching your own fleet with all resources from a planet or moo…

  • Edited

    Icegirl - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    In the last chapter you built your first ship, the Small Cargo, now we'll look at the other ship types and their uses. This should prove useful when deciding what ships you want to build and research next. ==Building Your Fleet== At the beginning you're only able to build a few different types of ships so the choice is relatively simple, but even at this stage you should ensure the fleet is suitable for your needs. Depending on your playing style it might be useful to have lots of combat ships o…

  • Edited

    Icegirl - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    If you want to advance in OGame, you cannot limit yourself to buildings and battle units. You also have to spend time on research, because by acquiring new knowledge through research, you will be able to build more powerful ships and colonize more planets. So always remember to invest in research while upgrading your empire, in order not to fall behind in comparison to the other players. ==The font of wisdom== The research system of OGame is actually straight-lined and easy to understand. First …

  • Edited

    Icegirl - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    While ships are indispensable for offensive actions, there are defensive structures for defensive players to allow them to protect their planets from other players. Those are built the same way as ships and from then on are always ready to fight against attacking ships. Depending on how many defenses one builds, one can defend more or less resources from other players, as a big defense makes attacks unprofitable for other players. Though there are also those players who systematically attack hea…

  • Edited

    Icegirl - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    Since the dawn of time buildings have been the foundations of your account, because they provide you with vital infrastructure. Most are requirements for further buildings, research, ships or defensive structures, without which it's not possible to make headway. The buildings are classified into two groups, Resources and Facilities. Resources include mines, storages and energy producers, all remaining structures are classed as Facilities. But within Facilities there is also a small divide, becau…

  • Nakon što ste razgledavali neko vrijeme i jer sada znate osnovne elemente igre, možete početi sa izgradnjom vašeg računa. Kako je još uvijek večina stavki iz izbornika nedostupna, početi ćete sa izgradnjom zgrada, točnije sa izgradnjom rudnika koji su odgovorni za proizvodnju resursa. ==Izgradnja opskrbe resursa== Promjenu preko izbornika činite klikom na tipku "resursi" a kada ste tamo kliknite prvu zgradu na listi: rudnik metala. Klikom na tipku "nadogradi", potrebni resursi za njegovu izgradn…

  • Poglavlje 0: Prvi koraci Isprva Ogame bi se mogao učiniti zbunjujućim, pogotovo za one koji nisu navikli na igre preko browsera. Iako Ogame nije prva pretraživačka igra u kojoj je normalno da se pojave problemi i pitanja, te da početnici ne mogu znati sve. Mi želimo pružiti pomoć svima kako bi lakše naučili sve o Ogameu na jednostavan i brz način. Mi nismo napravili ovaj projekt kao zamjenu za Ingame Vodič koji ste možda primjetili u igri, nego već kao dodatak za njega. Ako pratite njegove razra…

  • Quote: “Nickname During the registration you chose your favourite nickname. You need that name for the login as well as for the whole game. The nickname can be changed freely but any kind of insult or racism is not allowed and will result in a ban. You can change your nick once a week.” Nickname During the registration you chose your favourite nickname. You need that name for the login as well as for the whole game. The nickname can be changed freely once every 7 days but any kind of insult or r…

  • I think i would agree with this... one player last week came to me asking something about production, when i replied he was like 'i didnt know that button existed!!' xD