Search Results

Search results 41-60 of 179.

  • Sorry for flaming guys, but this is somethnig unbelievable. New improvement to the terraformer is again one great joke from GF. Nothing has changed, positions 1-2 and 14-15 are still uneconomic to colonize. Those positions are just for fun. No supply for players, who want to invest theirs resources to have all planets in one system, or just to have what they want. This game is forcing to do only what the system can do - from beginning. This board offers many briliant suggestions to GF company, a…

  • Už od počiatku boli budovy základom vášho účtu, pretože vám dodávajú dôležitú infraštruktúru. Väčšina sú požiadavky pre ďalšie budovy, výskumy, lode alebo obranné stavby, bez ktorých by bolo nemožné robiť pokroky. Budovy sú rozdelené do dvoch skupín, Zdroje a Továrne. Zdroje zahŕňajú bane, sklady a výrobu energie, všetky zvyšné stavby sú zatriedené ako Továrne. Avšak v rámci Tovární je tiež malé delenie, pretože niektoré budovy môžu byť postavené iba na planéte a ďalšie iba na Mesiaci. Prírodné …

  • AntiGame Origin

    sirEdward - - Archive - User Project's


    Quote: “Hello there I created a moon icon if you can/want use it in Antigame... Dimension of the moon itself is 30x30 / dimension of the picture whole 31x31 (transparent backround) 13 colors png (not a gif as original moon icon) / lightly shadowed 627B against original 655B picture”

  • AntiGame Origin

    sirEdward - - Archive - User Project's


    Very nice backround from version 1.53.x Good job everyone! Francolino, that backround is made from couple of rows pictures ? I dont have experiences, so i was not able to help you with my comment on version 1.52 (if you remember). But i want to change it a help you if i can ..

  • Discussion about merging universes

    sirEdward - - Spam


    Not only a French people

  • OGame 3.0 prináša so sebou niektoré inovácie. Toto vlákno má slúžiť na vysvetlenie najdôležitejších inovácií, zoznam známych chýb a problémov, odpovedať na niektoré zložité otázky a ukázať možné budúce zmeny. Väčšia časť nasledovného obsahu pochádza z PDF od WeTeHa. Nové bodové rebríčky - Ekonomický rebríček Ekonomický rebríček zvažuje investované zdroje pre budovy a obranné stavby a 50% z investovaných zdrojov pre civilné lode, Falangy a Hyperpriestorové brány. - Vojenský rebríček Vojenský rebr…

  • "If you make the choice to build that many RL or whatever then live with the consequences..." WeTeHa> +1 Still, GF supports only illogical ways and ways of fleeters. It was my bad move to put that big number of RL to queue. But it is holy stupidity from GF, that they did the system as it is now. And more, it is pure arrogance to let it be as it is. That's all from me. GF :thumbup: keep that way to abyss.

  • Hello, SK translation updated. Thanks for great work Please delete this post after update.

  • Wiki logos

    sirEdward - - Wiki


    Few icons for Origin board (backround is transparent):

  • OSimulate Translation

    sirEdward - - Projects Translations


    Hello _HeDo I've updated my SK translation, please update it in your tool. Thanks in advance

  • AntiGame Origin

    sirEdward - - Archive - User Project's


    Gentlemens, please be in touch with translation thread, which need also some rearrangement. There is need to be done a procedure to know which translations are for what version and ect. And someone from developing team should check this thread everytime a new version is anounced, if there is some updated translation available (so it can be implemented together with the new release). Also each translation/step should be noted in OMTool. My recommendation how to change the first post in translatio…

  • Please delete this post :|

  • Wiki logos

    sirEdward - - Wiki


    Here is something from me (backround is transparent)

  • Hľadáme aktívnych vývojárov OGame nástrojov ! Si vývojár nejakého OGame nástroja a chceš zdieľať svoje vedomosti a skúsenosti s ostatnými ? Cítiš sa nedostatočne informovaný o nadchádzajúcich verziách OGame a aké by mohli vyžadovať úpravy v tvojom nástroji ? Ak si povedal "áno", potom sa pripoj k našej OGame vývojárskej komunite ! Nájdeš tam vývojárov všetkých skvelých OGame nástrojov, ako napríklad COGame. Ako súčasť nášho tímu si môžeš vymieňať kód, diskutovať o nápadoch a dokonca adresovať ch…

  • AntiGame Origin

    sirEdward - - Archive - User Project's


    Joks: those new languages and fixes are more, than it would be without origin team. This script would be dead, if Francolino and team would not invest theirs spare time into maintance of this script. Please keep that on mind. Usualy the top priority is to make it work on commonly used browsers - Mozilla, IE,... We can be happy, we have already translations

  • AntiGame Origin

    sirEdward - - Archive - User Project's


    Thanks Francolino, what about that SK translation diacritics ?

  • AntiGame Origin

    sirEdward - - Archive - User Project's


    Gentlemen's, update 1.32.0 is installed as Antigame, not as Antigame Origin - this will cause duplicated script (just different name 1. Antigame 2. Antigame Origin) in greasemonkey. So it will not replace previous version of Antigame Origin, but will be installed as new script "AntiGame". This was also happening before Recommend to use only the Antigame Origin template as work file to avoid version duplication. Next thing, you didn't include diacritics into SK language script file (for example s…

  • OGameTools translation

    sirEdward - - Projects Translations


    Pingusman: Any help or guide what to translate ? This "define(FILENAME_HOF_PLAYERS,'players-ranking.html');" looks like a name of a file. It should be translated ?? Some words are logical to determine, that they should be translated. But others, sorry i don't know which one yes, or not.

  • Hey Pingusman, Looks pretty, your work, great job You can do it a lot easier, if you can post those FR/EN version here into spoiler as source code. No need to download some excell sheet or php file, which i can't even open in easy way without to install 3th party software. Quote from Pingusman: “The site changes very quickly, so if you read this post in 3 months, I think it's best to ask me a file up to date before starting :)” It would be appropiate to add some version system (like v1.0; 1.1,..…

  • Discussion about merging universes

    sirEdward - - Spam


    Quote from Kebab: “GameForge will decide what universes will merge. While deciding what unis to merge they will look at the opinions posted on the boards and suggestions from the Local Admins/CoMa” Kebab, this is official announcement from GF ?