Search Results

Search results 121-135 of 135.

  • Well, personally I don't even use Expeditions because of the random Dark Matter awards, since there's no distinction between them and the actual Dark Matter able to protect accounts from deletion. Nevertheless, the social aspect of NPC farming in OGame is definitely something worth advancing into.

  • Quote from WeTeHa: “For sure it would be with the help of any formula.” Guess we could start from the idea that bounding it to the level of Jumpgates is a good way to go.

  • Discussion about merging universes

    Cyber Smoke - - Spam


    Do you mean the changes in Deploy mission mechanics, kendiraton, or you're unpleased with the referral system limitations to a single (inviter's) Universe?

  • restlesz: Technically, it could decrease the trade transaction time by more than 500%, if the resources are placed "on hold" into the Marketplace until someone decides to buy them, yet, there's a very strong reason of why we aren't going to see such a feature in-game: it's absolutely unprofitable for Gameforge due to interference with the current merchant invocation system.

  • I've got an account with only about 63k points in one of the Spanish old unis, and I absolutely assure you that not a single time during the last 4 months I needed some kind of "faster transports" feature to move res. Not even "slower ones", as the amount of goods at this stage is really scarce. Generally, I've got nothing against the idea, but not with that 110-120-130-140%, etc. percentage thing... introduce a Marketplace instead, may be?

  • To me, the key problem is the fact there's no direct link established between this board and the design team. They should have at least one person responsible for going through the suggestions, giving brief comments on Gameforge's behalf and closing threads if necessary. Of course we don't expect novel-like replies, yet, the everlasting silence is some sort of reaction itself, like: "Sorry, folks, we don't care".

  • Agreed, thumbs down for the suggestion as well, because nobody wants to see turtles start saving from Moons. Additionally, there's simply no reason to do that since Deploy mission from Colony to a Moon works exactly as it should.

  • Okay, here's an incidental question: if something is not desired to be implemented in the majority of older Universes, is it worth implementing "as is" at all? It's an OnlineGame, that's what the title says, so isn't it assumed to have a decent range of interaction choices?

  • The high-end mining records will also obtain a brand new meaning, since all averagely-ranked players in the Universe will get benefits from them. In addition, I'd like to point that the building process of structures ordered this way must be protected from cancellation and the actual capping should be based on dynamical values, rather than permanent mining achievements made by someone in the past.

  • Thought of posting it after the upcoming merger, but seems like the more we delay proper thoughts, the deeper the project goes into "we've never played it, but we can change the code" black hole. This idea is directed towards the major increase of "green population" in all of existing Universes with ability to "level-up" mines to a certain capped level as a chargeable option. For that, there must be a new Officer implemented which works just like the Merchant, yet allows to be "called" and appli…

  • Yes, I agree here that the first time it was mentioned is like somewhere in the middle of 2007. What's funny is that it does not solve the new (green) population problem at all.

  • I understand the fact Gameforge wants to keep the new users in-game, even after being raided by more stronger players, yet, they are going an entirely wrong way... as a matter of fact, almost a year have passed since I started thinking of "increase the population in older unis" solution, and tonight, it'll be introduced here, yet, for the publishers of the game, I'd like to state that it was always the best and easiest strategy for increasing the size of the fleet to hunt everything which is uns…

  • Ogame open source

    Cyber Smoke - - Archive - OGame Planet


    The second issue mentioned by SlowMotion is definitely what breaks the counterpoise here.

  • From one week to three - mainly, for the purpose of stopping account thefts and tricks like promises to say in the alliance upon receiving an account from alliance leadership and then, turning on Vacation Mode for a week until the e-mail change takes place. Having an extra time for the previous account owner (and the alliance) to decide whether a chosen successor is capable of playing with the team or not seems like a reasonable gesture to me, therefore, I suggest increasing the number of days r…

  • Well, I see the idea behind - to make OGame look more MMORPG'ish and attractable for casual players. I like the suggestion except the proposed amount of what a fleeter gets back after the battle: a restoration of more than 30% of initial fleet would be unfair - at least, if all communities aren't going to change "the crash repair rules". I believe that five years ago the design team could only foresee a year (or may be, a little bit more) of what will turn out of this game. In other words, I mea…