Search Results

Search results 21-40 of 179.

  • News from SK ...:D They (GF) announced another server "Fornax" in our country.. They want to catch new players on 8000 unist of DM per registration. This is the third new server after merging. This GF way of making gold from a scratch is :pillepalle: Till today we have 6unis: Uni1 - 379 players Andromeda - 886 players (and droping) Barym - 368 players Capella - 386 players Draco - 491 players Electra - 594 players - 12. July 2012 - Normal Universe "Fornax" will be announced in SK (this should st…

  • Ogame rank anonymizer

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Cyber Smoke: Yes, but equally to All players should be given a free eventuality to choose if she/he want to be "enlisted" or not.. "...if it turns out to be half-incomplete?" < please be more accurate. The terms, "why - if" is predictable and this idea needs more discussion to have final end. (P.s. sorry for this, but here is almost all half-incomplete)

  • Hello gentlemens, with coming of boosters to the game (OGame v4), we can bring some new findings to our existing possible expedition founds. Now you can find resources/DM/Merchant/ships, so why not boosters ? I already sugested something in Quest System but if we can´t get a quest system, we could get something new from expeditions. What are you saying ?

  • Hello gentlemens, This suggestion is for those, who doesn´t want to be shown in game ranking system (fleet, economics, honour points, etc), or simple doesn´t want to be enlisted there by any reasons. Why? It would be a "nice to have option" or a basic defence against fleeters, which are choosing their targets from galaxy view by ranks of the player. The knowledge of rank position leads to battle motivation, but Ogame is no only a war game as many says. There are miners and neutral players which …

  • New Planet Graphics

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    +1 vote from me Anything what will increase future possibility is good. This "planetary ring" could be in future used for something completely new (booster, new building,...)

  • Hey guys, especially Francolino, i see, you have done some changes on antigame origin board, so i´m not able to download english original and translate it (as it was before). Francolino, it is so necessary to register on antigame origin board to do the translation, if i am already in Origin team (far i know :). Thanks for the answer

  • News from SK :DDD They (GF) announced another server "Electra" in our country.. Those few, who read this article from beginning knows, that our country is too small for these crazy (and i mean crazy) actions. And i think, we are not the only one. Short summary: - Tuesday, 23. November 2010 - Plans for unimerging was announced (at that time we had 5 universes - overall population together around 2500-3000 players and falling..) - 19. January 2011 - Special Universe "Barym" was announced (for 5 ha…

  • Hey all, Only a small implemantation to the game. In the Research menu > Intergalactic Research Network, player could see bellow the text "Researchers on different planets communicate via this network." next info which will tell about planets that are attached together using the current level of Intergalactic Research Network. Like this: Researchers on different planets communicate via this network. Current level is allowing to work together for xx (x = how many planets) planet Research Labs. Th…

  • Hey all, Only a small implemantation to the game. In the Research menu > Intergalactic Research Network, player could see bellow the text "Researchers on different planets communicate via this network." next info which will tell about planets that are attached together using the current level of Intergalactic Research Network. Like this: Researchers on different planets communicate via this network. Current level is allowing to work together for xx (x = how many planets) planet Research Labs. Th…

  • AntiGame Origin

    sirEdward - - Archive - User Project's


    Hello gentlemens, what about to add a countdown (stopwatch) function for Auctioneer ? It is possible ? Seeing it only per 5minutes is quite "discimforting". (-I´m fully against auctioneer as it´s now-)

  • Auctioneer suggestion

    sirEdward - - Archive - Suggestions


    DesertEagle: I agree, nothing to say about it different as you did (excluding the popup :)) JoKy: You are kidding me ? The auctions takes around 45Minutes of time. Maybe there is lot of time for someone to hide his/hers resourses with this weird way, but i ask why he/she should do this, if he can win the auction ? There is always a chance to lose those resourses by winning the auction... And on other side, it is completely unfair to keep those resources you have move to the auction, like it woul…

  • Auctioneer suggestion

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    DesertEagle: I agree, nothing to say about it different as you did (excluding the popup :)) JoKy: You are kidding me ? The auctions takes around 45Minutes of time. Maybe there is lot of time for someone to hide his/hers resourses with this weird way, but i ask why he/she should do this, if he can win the auction ? There is always a chance to lose those resourses by winning the auction... And on other side, it is completely unfair to keep those resources you have move to the auction, like it woul…

  • Kebab, this all isn´t about uni merge, but about the way of GF priorities. As ITguy i know, it isn´t only lostically possible to merge all communities unis at once, but it should be a top priority for GF to make it happen. But this is not about that. Simply they can´t go on step 2, if the step 1 isn´t still completed. But GF is doing it like, we do something from this, something from that, all only to elaborate (see tutorial/help, see research, see anything they did was slop-built) and that is a…

  • [Later] Alliance manager - new option

  • Merchant scroll menu

    sirEdward - - Suggestions


    Gentlemens, as we know, anybody can find a merchant through the exploration mission. But once you´ll find another one, the previous one will be lost. This is not new idea, as it is simple enough and visible for everyone. So: 1. Every found Merchant should be available till you´ll use it. 2. Tab representing the trade in first screen of Merchant menu could be a scrollbar, so you can choose the one, which you want to use. Why ? This option should be there not only for found Merchant over explorati…

  • Merchant scroll menu

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Gentlemens, as we know, anybody can find a merchant through the exploration mission. But once you´ll find another one, the previous one will be lost. This is not new idea, as it is simple enough and visible for everyone. So: 1. Every found Merchant should be available till you´ll use it. 2. Tab representing the trade in first screen of Merchant menu could be a scrollbar, so you can choose the one, which you want to use. Why ? This option should be there not only for found Merchant over explorati…

  • Gentlemans, Ladies... Well, i have some questions to OGame development and its future.. My Top questions: 1. About OGame marketing, why did GF choose the way to make profit from unstable game ? Explanation - far i know, OGame is losing its popularity (due to long term absence of relevant changes, or else ?), so its future is unpredictable (unstable) from any kind of view (GF/player). Nevertheless GF didn´t make more features FOR FREE to attract new or old player (to make the game more stable for…

  • Hello gentlemens ... Please update translation for Sk > AntiGame Origin - Translations Please delete this post after updating ..

  • Hello all, I want to notice the GF company about its illogical and pointless behaviour towards communities, as it is more and more cheekier and ruthless. Yesterday was announcened new universe Draco in our country. It happens even though the GA was against it (more communities are involved), because we have right now 7!!! universes and overall players population around 2500 users. It's pure nonsense and arrogance from GF side. If GF isn't listening to its volunteer administrators, which are mana…

  • Hey all, this is a suggestion from SK, from guy with nickname "Dudasl" : It's about the building usable fields on the planet/moon, which after you will use them, you'll get only sentence in red [No more room on the planet]. The idea is about catching more attention from player, so he/she will know, that the last usable field is available. Dudasl's suggestion has three points: 1. After user pointer hovers over planet/moon in the planet list, there should be visible not only the number in red colo…