Search Results

Search results 41-60 of 121.

  • And so I did! But look, it's never enough of them. Atleast I have no deut issues in this server

  • Again short with recs and as usually when I am short with recs hit happened too far away (+/- 80 ss) to be able to resend them again and hope for luck. I am not in alliance neither some friends nearby to help me. So what to do? I did second best thing as no friends nearby - contacted potential opponents :) introduced terms (deut cost, reward in case of success...)... and had a luck :) After some issues around fleetsaved deuteritum, etc.. ForgoTTen jumped in. Usually he spy me. Or I spy him. But …

  • Not so hopeless after all! Congratulations.

  • Hmm... no one? What a bunch of lazy pricks! :P I did not understand BS part. Were they in other attack, different location or... lack of deut? :) Congratulations for HoF!

  • I may be wrong, but my guess is that this doesn't have much with those beautiful wild creatures killings, but rivalry with certain player who some month ago made mobile colony near inactive anafiga and failed, because of anafiga came online in last moment after whole week of absence. Regarding this crash, I never doubted that there's just matter of time when anafiga will be finished. Someone who became (i) with whole fleet sitting on planet and by some miracle saved own butt in last moment can't…

  • Quote: “ Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 3.311 Cruiser 4.464 Battleship 1.582 Defender AnnaDressedInBlood (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 1.381 L.Cargo 297 L.Fighter 5.802 Cruiser 861 Battleship 566 Col. Ship 3 Recy. 471 Esp.Probe 65 Bomber 100 Sol. Sat 45 Dest. 100 L.Laser 94 After battle... Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) S.Cargo 1.800 Cruiser 3.789 Battleship 1.570 Defender AnnaDressedInBlood (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captu…

  • Pudge was well awared of my fleet near and so I was his, so I decided to give him some break from my probes and silently wait opportunity. Then unexpectedly Deneb msged me with his fleet report on moon and no activity. I checked also his other planets, no activity, and launched. Shortly after crash Pudge came online, we had a little chit chat, he told me why he was away and failed to fleetsave (he usually fleetsaved) and in general acted as classy player even after defeat, so I decided to not se…

  • You're correct regarding rapid fire. At servers as this one even heavyfighters aren't completely useless. They can be decent fodder. Just a bit crystal costy vs lightfighters. Small cargos have also other specific right now. Even if I build them 10k, it still won't be enough of them long term. So I don't mind to build them (and sometimes send on attak and rebuild) as I know that I will need them all the time. Right this moment I would rather have 10k - 15k small cargos than 10k -15k lfs as examp…

  • Thanks LFs are good for players insecure in themself. For false feeling of safety because current simulation vs superiror fleets show draw. And for those rare people who do several crashes vs fleet of a similar size as theirs (ie. top crashes). But most of the time, if you pump also heavy ships LFs stays on planet/moon doing nothing. Lets say that 99% or more of my crashes through time show better result with some extra heavy ships than LFs included. Because more of the heavy ships means less th…

  • Quote from 5etho: “Quote from urza: “1. Hating Polish players, for whatever reason, was an .org tradition. Makes me warm and fuzzy inside to see another one down. ” lol btw bashing nationalities is against the server rules, ” Deneb (urza jr.) should not be taken too serious on board. He's joker with great sense of humour btw. some year later when I started ogame polish players were white knights in shiny armour and most hated players were hordes from Deneb's nation

  • Sure bro, I am all for help here! We had a discussion in past where you vigorously claimed things like how unreadable are CR converted post and stuff, correct? How you dislike them. And ogmem post a must. And stuff like that. And Hell chimed in. Still follow? Ok, lets continue... And then I opened this HoF post from Hell with even extra teeeeeerific scroooooool down hard to follow exteeeeeended CR and I commented it in joke with: "Now I understand why germans doesn't like CR converters and need …

  • Switched off the lights, turned music on, unselfishly, so that neighbours were also able to enjoy in new excellent album of Dark Tranquillity and launched. Quote: “Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 2.600 Cruiser 3.259 Battleship 1.362 Defender Gabofoliz (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% L.Cargo 39 L.Fighter 3.160 Cruiser 2 Battleship 542 Recy. 156 Esp.Probe 15 L.Laser 32 Ion C. 6 Plasma 1 After battle... Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) S…

  • Quote from Rusiak: “Quote from Sorcy: “You completely missed the point But lets keep it that way, as that's nice hof and the rest was somewhat joke anyway. ” point was: we are too dumb to read "normal" cr-converts. reality: we are smart enough to know that: easier to read = faster to understand = more efficient please refrain from further insults and start acknowledging the truth ” Wot? What you're talking about? It's not your day, huh? Complete fail response to my quick joke rearding THIS hof p…


    Sorcy - - General


    It would be helpful if you would describe what exactly you did, how you fleetsaved. Was it fs into DF? Colonization? Transport? Was your standard location? etc With lack of any relevant data we can't even guess what it went wrong.

  • Quote from Rusiak: “Quote from Sorcy: “Now I understand why germans doesn't like CR converters and need something more readable. If all their HoF posts looks like thi... /just kidding Nice, profitable hit. Congratulations. ” easy 2 read = efficient efficient way = german way ” You completely missed the point But lets keep it that way, as that's nice hof and the rest was somewhat joke anyway.

  • Now I understand why germans doesn't like CR converters and need something more readable. If all their HoF posts looks like thi... /just kidding Nice, profitable hit. Congratulations.

  • Heard about it from Devastator today, but wasn't sure about what numbers we're talking here... Nice indeed. Congratulations.

  • Hall of Fame (HoF) Rules - tag mess

    Sorcy - - General


    Quote from TGWo: “personally i don't think that it is so hard to do 1+1 and decide if 2 < 3 .......... ” It's not if you do 2 - 5 HoFs in life. What about 200? Or more? Anyway, I am not saying that it can't be done, that it's not possible to properly use all those HoF tags. Of course it is - you just need to check HoF rules carefully everytime before you post HoF, but is this really necessary? It's not user friendly. Simple rules which people remember are usually win-win situation for all partie…

  • All the time saw his fleet around. Or jealously the df of his fleet. But couldn't do much regarding this as at the beginning I didn't have fleet to visit him and later I was too far away. Until now. Deneb made it possible. Thank you, old friend. Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% S.Cargo 2.900 Cruiser 3.020 Battleship 1.330 Defender Polak2 (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX% L.Cargo 113 L.Fighter 1.715 Cruiser 100 Battleship 422 Col. Ship 1 Recy…

  • Things are changed through years. After all the communities, servers owned I can finally say that this game does not own me. I think. And I like to sleep.