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Search results 141-160 of 870.

  • When do never logged ins get deleted?

    JoKy - - Archive


    After 35 days, that´s how retro work. On RD Servers you have several other steps e.g. 1, 2-3 days LG

  • 1 round battle a

    JoKy - - Archive


    Quote from Escape: “Happend to me a few times, always in fitghs which would have ended in a draw anyway, something like sending 6 small cargos and when my fleet arrives there's one small defense ( rocket or light laser) i just get a normal one round battle report and after that battle end in a tie. ” Same as on Live servers since ages. The battlescript just breaks with 1 round, because it don´t make sense, just because nothing will be destroyed ... That´s it LG Quote: “I get you. If you think it…

  • Disappearing buildings

    JoKy - - Archive


    Quote from Daj falowac cyckommm: “ hope it won't happen again :crazy:” 98898989.gif

  • OGame 6.3.0

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! Today 6.3.0-beta65 will arrive on all live testservers! It only include the final 6.2.0 version, which is available an all new live servers, which started yesterday LG

  • Retro server

    JoKy - - OGame


    Hi! Seems you still have some fun on the retro server, e.g. with those retro colony sizes and also retro bugs. The last point I want to take up: The server / version is as announced with no / basic support. I´m not the guy, who cover words in fluffiness, so I say it in direct way: If you find issues or loose something, you have to deal with it, there is no need to report it. At least only if the whole server is not reachable and critical stuff appear, then poke us and we will have a look. LG

  • OGame 6.3.0

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! Today 6.3.0-beta64 will arrive on all live testservers! Changes Quote: “[Bugs] WF countdown gets negative after 3 days are over [Bugs] % repaired ships in WF-Popup is always 0 and thousand seperator is missing [Bugs] Additional number for ships in repair in SR short view [Bugs] WF icon disappears when the ships can be taken out from the spacedock and there is no WF [Bugs] WF: missing countdown until the reparation will vanish [Bugs] WF: wrong sorting of ships in the reparation overlay [Bugs]…

  • CR thread?

    JoKy - - Archive


    I think they locked it because of avoiding spam with little combats. I poked the responsible persons for a solution, just because I also think it´s a mess for not beeing able to post great combats from the retro server here on board LG board.origin.ogame.gameforge.c…852f859402047596a7002de1e

  • (15 min)

    JoKy - - Archive


    Quote from Bokac: “All this issues you guys are having is not actually issue at all, that was the ogame back in the day, we all knew this... Things work different in this universe.” what he said. Anyway: The server is at no support, which means: only critical issues or blocking issues are fixed. We can´t upgrade the retro version to RD standard LG

  • So, all on 690 right? Shole will collect and report them to the portal support It´s just 1 big fluffy bunny then

  • and you also migrate on first day? About another 10M drop ... difficult with portal enabled. We are currently checking if we make a rollback and are testing that possibility and if yes, then the dev can give out anohter 10M drop. But there is no final decision. Anyway I need all your accounts (if possible also your player ID, but I can also find it out ( e.g. via ) + server to forward it to the portal support rabbit-gifjump-giffall-giffail-gif.gif LG

  • @Atina The Portal Support delivered your lost DarkMatter. It was a bug at the first merge day, which was fixed for later migrations. LG

  • Everytime someone writes: "Im not only one with this problem" a fluffy cute rabbit dies! Hmm when did you migrate? Is it your real old account or new one? The setting on 690 is that you get 100.000 DM at validation and those 9 or 10 million are given manually by an developer in past on existing accounts. So I need the info: When it happen and did you migrate your old accoun, or you have a new one :p LG

  • Espionage probe

    JoKy - - General


    Spy probe attacking is active there and intendend LG

  • Abandoning homeworld

    JoKy - - Archive


    You can´t abbandon it. It´s a feature in one of those Redesign versions LG

  • OGame 6.3.0

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! Today 6.3.0-beta63 will arrive on all live testservers! Changes Quote: “[Bugs] Many Portal related OGame fixes and improvements [Bugs] Disabled WF is in the wrong format in the API [Bugs] 'Ships in repair' also gets shown in SR's on moons [Bugs] It is possible to start a repair while in vacation [Bugs] WF: running reparation countdown is not dynamic [Bugs] Wrong Tooltip on disabled 'Get ships out' [Bugs] Some design issues on the orbitaldock popup [Bugs] Different redirects on fleet 3 either…

  • What da fuq are u guys complaining about?

    JoKy - - General


    Quote from DevLaTron: giphy.gif About V6 > maybe to hidden sarcasm

  • I play redesign without addons. only lazy ones need addons Bugs are all written down in the known issue list, maybe you can take a look. Will reduce your work in writing them down The Retro Server and the version is how ogame was before. We also deactivate some feature e.g. ACS, because the bugs there are even worse. There is no conspiracy theory behind it. And because all was said > Closed

  • The GF made it perfect and it´s called REDESIGN. You can find it on live servers e.g. LG

  • who has....

    JoKy - - Archive


    who has ... the right to close spam threads > ME!

  • You want retro, you get retro! About bc > no plans so far. About other things > nope, it will stay as it is for now. LG