Search Results

Search results 121-140 of 870.

  • I tried with the app with ios9 on an inactive one > works fine But the galaxy needs anyway a fix because of an ios 10 problem, maybe it´s fixed with that. But it will take several month for that. LG

  • If you have issues regarding the portal, feel free to contact the portal support directly > So your issues can be forwarded and the portal team can take care LG

  • Can´t reproduce. Works fine for me in the ipad app and in the normal safari browser on the ipad. Maybe it is caused because of his outdated ios version. iOS 9 is avaiable also on the old ipad2 (over 5 years old now) LG

  • Activity on moon after login

    JoKy - - Archive


    Can´t reproduce

  • First of all, what is the problem behind the idea. - Users don´t read before they abbandon the planet/moon and enter the password (with portal active the planet/Moonname) For that case we still have confirmation. All informations are listed and you confirm it by entering password or planetname/moonname -Users offend against T&C, where it is listed that you have to take care about your logindata. About the Solutions of that kind of problem a cooldown or warmup-phase will just open several edgecas…

  • WBB4.1 change

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    For that part i suggested a retro skin, which you can choose in settings! (thx to DG for creating it)

  • Nothing new about the mail sorry About the portal itself: Today the old Portal switched to the new one. Here some hints, workarounds provided from the OGame Tech Team - If you can´t login with your old portal account data, just recover your password (worked for me) - If you had an new portal account before and now you miss several accounts from the live servers: Go to account settings in the portal and add your mail again and validate, then they should appear (worked for me) - The servers/Accoun…

  • OGame 6.2 x

    JoKy - - OGame


    Those Changes will also be included on the Live Testservers today LG

  • No Exemination and No Authority for Retro

    JoKy - - General


    The bug is known. There are no personal Backups, same what should be normal on RD universes. And no we don´t start adding lost ships. The no support was announced, it´s an old buggy version, such things can happen. 17flqj.jpg

  • Question - Answer

    JoKy - - General



  • I got 2 german mails, where it say: "more time, more feedback, more features" and that ogame will not be part within the first release. I poked responsible person to check the mail send behavior. LG

  • If you read the last mail from the portal carefully, you will see, that the portal release is without OGame. There is still no date, when OGame switch to the new portal. LG

  • Nickname German very racist

    JoKy - - Archive


    Adolf is a normal legal name Trump has fluffy hair so ...

  • Colonization bug?

    JoKy - - Archive


    Quote from Pixies: “that was my 4th colony... and it was on colonization mode... not fleet saving... but now i remember what that is... and someone did fleetsave on colonization mode...”

  • Colonization bug?

    JoKy - - Archive


    Colo Save? Maybe?

  • Colonization disaster

    JoKy - - General



  • Differences in times of arrival

    JoKy - - Archive


    Quote from NoMoreAngel: “Do it as Shole said. It's an oldschool "feature" which got better with the redesign and doesn't really appear anymore on v6 Servers, but still can.” If the retro bugs are too big you are too noob! LG

  • Fleet speed bug?

    JoKy - - Archive


    There is no bug, which speed up fleet, also not via manipulation. I checked the logs at the day you were reporting that crazy stuff here. Only thing i could find is that you just attacked th wrong coordinates. Most of the time, the bug just sits 30cm on front of the PC LG

  • Question

    JoKy - - Archive


    Quote from dajo1911: “that means pushing wass allowed on .org all these years” Discussion about comunity seperated rules, makes no sense here. It´s retro, rules are listed and the way how you should handle also

  • When do never logged ins get deleted?

    JoKy - - Archive


    Because we decided to do it manually, after the first coloship session started ingame. Was a goodie from the developer, but we can´t handle it every time in that way. LG