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  • escape flight options.

    Jango - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from the jackal: “I would need to wake up in the middle of the night to cancel my deployment. ” Thousands of players solved this problem for themselves over the last years, so there are solutions! Read up, learn the game and have fun! As I said before: An escape flight would make the game to easy and removing a lot of content from the game

  • escape flight options.

    Jango - - Archive - Suggestions


    Two options: 1. Use deployment (if you abort the deployment flight, it will no longer show in a phalanx scan) 2. Get yourself a moon The only flaw here is, that you (and everyone else) have to learn how to reliable save a fleet. Take a look at the Wiki&Guides section: Wiki & Guides An escape flight (there is fleet escape already, not sure how it is spelled, tho) would make the game too easy. Quote from Gumpster: “but i can not be on 24/7 to send ships away when planets get attacked ” do a fleet …

  • Quote from Valent: “Once one can have it integrated in game page, it will be used without doubt but also will require moderation , and we can't have a person to watch 24/ 24 the chat . ” Sure, but this holds true for the IRC chat, too. Maybe the IRC bots can be used to help watching the channels.

  • Quote from nikta meldin: “Is it a difficult task to have it added to the EN community? ” Creating the IRC channels shouldn't be a difficult task, but I think there's a reason that they don't exist: Too few IRC users, so integration into the game would be better. But this online chat shouldn't show when a player logs in or logs out. Observing his online-activity would be too easy then

  • hm it seems like the EN community doesn't have universe channels, only community channels, interesting Quote: “6. OGame.Org channels - Main channel - Support Channel __________ #help - IRC Support Channel #OnlineGamesNet - Official Channel of the OnlineGamesNet All links are direct links. ” Source:…ete-guide/?postID=6881197

  • Quote from nikta meldin: “ Not private messages i mean a opnen chat for all to see and get involved with. ” I don't know how it is in your country/community, but each German universe had an own channel in IRC which allows exactly this (had because now multiple channels were merged). The Retro Universe for example had an own channel, too. Everyone could join and talk

  • so, basically you want to integrate the IRC chat into the game. Because IRC is used for universal and help chat since ever (or at least for the last 10 years). But there are less and less active users

  • Universe Health Report

    Jango - - General


    Today would be the first birthday of the retro universe! To make a closing remake, I will post now the last user numbers of the universe, etc. * * 12.10.2016 23:00 * 18.10.2016 08:10 * 30.04.2017 16:10 * * Blue * 3351 * 3254 * 2201 * #Accounts in the universe * Red * 2888 * 2772 * 1178 * #Accounts in the highscore * Green * - * 2568 * 1017 * #Accounts >= 1 point * Violet * - * 2031 * 861 * #Accounts >= 5k points * Yellow * 463 * 482 * 1023 * #Dead accounts * Turquoise * - * - * 87 * #Banned acco…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    you can take a look at not an official tool, tho. But I think it's up to date for fleet and points €dit: the linked webpage was save when I clicked it at 21:30 29.05.2017 (german time), I'm not responsible if the owner changes it

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    If you really need to hear it, then I will say it! The server will not open again! At least not as we know it, if someday everything is fixed (or they think it is) then there will be a database reset and everyone starts with 0 points. Because this is an unique server, a new start will attract again thousands of people. Maybe you disagree with me. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    wuhu happy anniversary! 3 weeks down!

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Athenacompet: “PS: we know it's you anyway behind all this ... ” Now you revealed the whole truth psssst! Throwing people into cold water is always good, they learn faster this way

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    @WiZ^ According to some guys (not admins) in IRC they were able to do some sql injections. Short summary (for more info read wikipedia or sth like that): They had at least reading access on the database, therefore they could possible extract flight time information, notices of other players etc.

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Daidegas: “but this dont explains because for one year it work very well, and the bugs appears only now. ” Actually, this was explained multiple times too. In irc and I think even in this thread. Like @Evagelan said. There was a bug/weak spot in the code (and GF didn't know of it until a few months ago). Which did result in a bug fix (they didn't told us about this bug fix). But this bug fix lead to the first public known duplication bug and therefore the first server down. I think th…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Kanc1erz: “I see, that my post was already deleted, great. (freedom to express my thoughts) ” no it isn't? Quote from Kanc1erz: “so, ok, if everything is/was bugged why was it working few years ago? And how? ” seriously, this was answered so many times in the last posts. Try to read and understand pls! Some quotes: Quote from Jango: “As stated multiple times before, they needed to adapt the code to the new infrastructure etc (maybe they lost the latest version, idk). These adaptations…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Kanc1erz: “however they, from the scratch, wanted to discourage people from playing this server (and they were quite successful, just look at the decreasing number of players, but "quite" was not enough, so, by some bugs they distracted those who have been playing anyway and made the server unplayable). ” They did this on purpose? Stop trumping... Concerning the other things: As stated multiple times before, they needed to adapt the code to the new infrastructure etc (maybe they lost …

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    hm, some of those posts sound like a tweet from Trump - absurd assumptions to stir people up against the authorities. Quote from Athenacompet: “All those who want to play even with the BUG raise their hand ?! ” Nah, I don't really think they can monitor the usage of this bug, and as you know it can have a severe impact. Quote from TGWo: “Maybe, as often there is a problem of comunication between GameForge and his players about developen of game ” This. This. This. This. This is the main problem …

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    First of: I don't play in the german universes anymore. But I read in the board and ogmem Quote from Cano: “Now I am studying German (I attended two courses many years ago), in order to play in ” respect. Quote from Cano: “It will take a long time to know the German language well, but I know that in Germany you study English very well, so I hope the first months of I not being banned for the language. ” This could be a problem, most of us speak English. But there are some trolls who onl…

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from JoKy: “The server / version is as announced with no / basic support. ” Source: Retro server Not the real announcement, but good enough I guess

  • Login is closed for Retro server

    Jango - - General


    Quote from Rusiak: “- when hell freezes - when a girl says yes and actually means yes ” aren't those two the exactly same thing?! Quote from NoMoreAngel: “PS: Yesterday a girl/woman said yes and meant yes :O ” ow shit. So server stays down. Btw what was the question?