Search Results

Search results 161-179 of 179.

  • BBC code editor

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    marshen: Hm, what about a simple redirection to external editor? For alliance manager: You will have there a simple push-button and when you click on it, it will move you to something like DMZ (De Militarized Zone). There you can write your "page", either preview it. After completion, just click another push-button for apply..

  • Valent: "all i can think of is to have the possibility to switch between a minimalist appearance and a full colored, animated interface, depending of your system capabilities, network performance and visual comfort." Yes, exactly. As we know from games (low details > full details). This will satisfy both groups on Ogame players (except of GF :)) and would attract more people to play this game. "For me, personally, too many colors are disturbing but i can live with the interface as it is now, som…

  • In game market

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Valent: "- limits on the legal trades can be implemented and a player can only select from a drop down list of legal trade rates for the desired resources" It is exactly what i mean before! But it would be great if it could be with no limits there (like Kamil wanted) .. but if i sould be realistic, it will be misused for sure "- if a player is not wishing to trade with enemies , he can always use the classic transports and select his own trade partners the old fashioned way More option = more fu…

  • -Please check this out - (subscritpion #43 - user anonymous1) "It seems to me that there are two majority groups here. 1. The players that are happy just the way it is 2. The players who want new features. Why couldn't you have an option to change the graphics? Like a skin? Everyone could choose what they wanted." I was tkinking about something like this before. It could be a big compromise. Not only for old-designs lovers, but either for those who are playing on slow connection internet / on ph…

  • In game market

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Kamil: Ok - new idea: 1. Ingame market system like in other games (no special magic with it :)). 2. Person to person sending/trading system like in other games (if you want to send/trade res. with someone you "know"). Hm ?

  • Small implementation. When you do a reserach on one of your planets, there is no indicator on which the research was started. You see it in all planets, but if you abort it, the resources will be dispatched only on planet where its started. There could be a indicator where have you started the research (when you forget it like me ;)) I moved your threads from "ideas planet" to the general suggestions area. Only ideas which are in one of the "request feedback lists" should be placed in the "ideas…

  • BBC code editor

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Hi gentlemens, What about BBC code editor in Aliance manager, like in forum? Either in post (on internet is already one sript for this). After i did the page (inner/outer region) for aliance (in which i am) i was very angry - No guides about BBC codes, no list of working BBC codes, .. nothing. It should be in game

  • Interactive tutorial

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Francolino: Add some extra steps into tutorial will not help. With all respect, it is like exodus project - will only move the Ogame death of few months later. I have thinking over it pretty long and my idea seems to be the best compromise to catch newbie players in theirs beginnings. Btw. we should not mix the in game HELP with interactive tutorial. Anyone will tell you, that reading something is boring. But if you teach them how to play, with my system based on basic personal psychology, it wi…

  • In game market

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Kamil: You know, thats would be the most ideal way (no limits). I wish it could be so But i am not a player, which want to lie to get something extra. In major, these rules/limits are exactly for those players. As i said before, legalize something forbiden (some aspects of trading in ogame) can lower the crime (breaking of ogame rules). But only reduce. "in this part, and what if someone wants to pay alot more coz he is the higher ranked ? you forced him with a minimum rate and a maximum rate :/…

  • In game market

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Kamil: Thanks - Yes, i had this experiences when i play Ikariam some couple years back (not playing it around 4 years). But i liked the idea with common mine, which can be upgraded via all residents on that isle.. Aggression is normal behaviour (sorry to say) when the game contains competition. Again sorry to say, we are mens, it is our personality to get all by power. All respect for those, who are above.. Okay, we can leave this suplement for now. - Solved - Hm, we needs some limits or crazy p…

  • Interactive tutorial

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Red-Dragon: Thanks for support. We need more people to discuss this whole Thema. As i think, it is important to pay attention for newbie players. Without a board!

  • In game market

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Kamil: If you can only tell how it is bad and impossible, you will not help anyone. So i am asking you, how it can be good ? We can start from you, what it should look like to fulfill your needs ? Because sorry, the in-game market is good idea in fact. Only what can be bad, is my idea how to build it. So feel free to give us some your ideas how to build it.

  • In game market

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Gentlemans, thank you for all your subscritpions. So, i will answer step by step .. Toxicterror: Board market will limit players willigness to trade. It is all about player comfort and developer should take this on mind. I dont support any easy-to-get aspect, but here it should be a certainty. I know about board market, but for me it is most non-effective way to trade. marshen: Rules.. thats will be my next objective. Kamil: Okay, for me i like that Ikariam idea of upgradable (isle) mines, where…

  • Gentlemans, thank you for all your subscritpions. So, i will answer step by step .. Kendiraton: Please dont mix this with tutorial. Please see this . Marshen: Exactly Valent: Yep, you did understand it completely. Reward/achievements should be something, with which can you interpret your cleverness, power,.. Well tried solutions are medals, badges, pictures equal to achieved quest. Be particular about how those rewards/achievements will looks like, is top priority due to human psychology. The me…

  • Quest System

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Ok gentlemans, here i'll give more, but please be sure to check mine Rewarding system before Static Quests Meteor shower 1. "A meteor cluster closing to your colony, an immediate action is needed. Time to impact - 12 Hours" You can choose to destroy this cluster with your fleet with possibility to obtain some raw material from it, or do nothing and risk damage to your colony (some disadvantages to you production for couple of hours and loss of your shields defense buildings). Reward "meteor catc…

  • In game market

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    Every online game needs a working in game market. This game should be not exception. Existing way by Merchant (bought through Dark Matter = mostly for your money), or via game admin PM (or you broke the rules) is flustrating and limiting. It is bad move from Ogame developer side, as they can acquire much more money from quest system. What does mean "In game market"? It is system, where players (pls.) can bought and sell theirs goods, they produced in game. So, they can get the resources they nee…

  • There should be a Achievements and rewarding system, so the players (ppls) can be motivated even more towards a competibility between them. What does mean "Achievements and rewarding system"? Rewards and achievements are very importat parts of our lives. They shape our personality mostly in our adolescence time, they lead us through motivation to new tryouts and experiences. Developers knew this psychology fact, therefore they are giving this element to all kind of genre games. They knew either,…

  • Interactive tutorial

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    There should be a interactive tutorial for newbie players: What does mean "Interactive tutorial"? Interactive tutorial is step by step guide for newbie players (next only "ppls"), which tells the ppl how the game works and what he should do to start with every aspect of the game. The existing in game "Tutorial" is more than insufficient, but it can be rewrited to interactive tutorial. How should it work? When ppl starts the game first time, the Interactive tutorial will pop up to him without the…

  • Quest System

    sirEdward - - Archive - OGame Planet


    There should be a Quest system for all players: What does mean "Quest system"? Quest system is maybe the hardest "worker" in every online game for the ppl satisfaction and its entertainment. Its effectiveness in every game is well-tried. How should it work? We can split the Quest system in to two parts. One will be static quest system controlled by CPU from list of quests defined before and randomly deployed to ppl (time depending - for fair play use). The second one will be dynamicaly changed t…