Search Results

Search results 121-140 of 187.

  • 10. Fleet - Routines

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    latest update: 05.08.2013 [10.1|Routine Plunder] - [10.1.1|Prefer Small Cargo instead of Large Cargo] aa2ad16d1e00956f7dc8af8be3ca52.gif - [Explanation] The decision about the preferred cargo type only takes effect on features that automatically put values for them: Routine Expedition, Routine Collect, Routine Transport - [10.1.2|Send 10% more ships to get all loot for later attack] aa2ad16d1e00956f7dc8af8be3ca52.gif - [Explanation] Adds 10% more cargo ships to the needed amount to ensure that y…

  • 09. Fleet - Standards

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    latest update: 05.08.2013 [9.1|Missions and type selection] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gifEnable Quote: “[GENERAL] - [SETTING]Enable[] enables or disables all features of this subsection. ” - [9.1.1|Set to harvest and debris field if recycler in the fleet] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gif - [EXPLANATION] Auto selects the mission [HARVEST] and the target type [DEBRIS] if [ITEM]Recycler[] are within your chosen fleet. - [9.1.2|Set to colonization if only colony ships in the fleet] b1c7ef5b11…

  • 08. Fleet

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    latest update: 05.08.2013 [8.1|Common] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gifEnable features Quote: “[GENERAL] - [SETTING]Enable features[] enables or disables all features of this complete option tab. ” - [8.1.1|Auto-copy coordinates] aa2ad16d1e00956f7dc8af8be3ca52.gif - [EXPLANATION] Stores valid OGame coordinates from a marked text and uses them as target coordinates. The A-icon next to the AGOmenu button shows the status: [-LIST] A click changes between active or inactive auto-insertion. [-LIST]…

  • (by fl00ri) b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gif = checked Source Code (1 line) aa2ad16d1e00956f7dc8af8be3ca52.gif = unchecked Source Code (1 line) 7474daa3a810352a6d2e2fde750826.gif = default setting should be changed Source Code (1 line) 7474daa3a810352a6d2e2fde750826.gifchanged setting7474daa3a810352a6d2e2fde750826.gif = changed default setting to entry Source Code (1 line) 8yuqxezm.pngsetting8yuqxezm.png = drop-down-menu with default entry Source Code (1 line) 3aur25x3.png = linked button Sour…

  • latest update: 05.08.2013 [7.1|Common] - [7.1.1|Show finish time] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gif - [Explanation] The time when an ongoing building/construction/research will be finished is shown in its detailed information layer and in each construction queue box. - [7.1.2|Show detailed resource information] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gif - [Explanation] The total/missing resources and needed Cargo ships to carry them are shown on the image of the detailed information layer from any buil…

  • 06. Main View

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    latest update: 05.08.2013 [6.1|Common] - [6.1.1|Hide the 'Scripts' button if all tools are up to date] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gif - [EXPLANATION] For some of your additionally installed scripts there will appear a Scripts-button, which departs added menus from the Ogame-menu and also shows, if they are up to date and tested for the current OGame patch. You can remove this useless button to shorten the overall menu. - [6.1.2|Show community, universe and next event time in windows title] b…

  • Overview - Shortcut to refresh page

    fl00ri - - Archive


    You could use the default shortcuts for your browser. for FireFox it would be "Ctrl + R" (without active function keys you can refresh the page by pressing "F5" too) But it can also be done with "Enter" by AGO, why not ... if Francolino gets time for implementing it anyhow^^.

  • 05. Tools

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    latest update: 05.08.2013 7474daa3a810352a6d2e2fde750826.gifall entries for default settings have to be reworked7474daa3a810352a6d2e2fde750826.gif [5.1|Common] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gifEnable features Quote: “[GENERAL] - [SETTING]Enable features[] enables or disables all features of this complete option tab. [STANDARD] - There can be automatically set values by using the links depending on some AGO settings - There are parameters for own links (search engines only): [-LIST][ALLIANCE], […

  • 04. Colouring & Highlighting

    fl00ri - - Old tutorials etc


    latest update: 05.08.2013 [4.1|Colouring & highlight scheme for own planets and moons:] b1c7ef5b1164eba44e55b7f6d25d35.gif Enable Quote: “ [STANDARD] - This settings effect the colouring of your coordintates of your own [GREEN]planets[] and [ORANGE]moons[]. Furthermore the coordinates of your current location are highlighted in eventlist, fleet movement and phalanx. ” - [4.1.1|Opacity for active position highlight (1-99, 0=off)] fuloovhs.png11fuloovhs.png - [EXPLANATION] Define the intensity of …

  • Die Einstellung [das Verhalten verbessern] soll normalerweise bewirken, dass wichtige Tooltips schneller aufgebaut werden, dafür brauchen die weniger wichtigen Tooltips länger. Inwiefern das bemerkbar ist, wie es umgesetzt wird und welchem Tooltip welche Wichtigkeit zugeschrieben wird, kann ich nicht sagen... und ob das schnelle Verschwinden auch ein Teil des Features ist, oder eben nur ein Fehler weiß ich auch nicht. bei solchen Dingen kann nur Francolino konkret Auskunft geben :D

  • hallo Schuld könnte folgende Einstellung haben: Skin & Nutzbarkeit -> Nutzbarkeit: -> • Ändere das Verhalten der Tooltips -> [das Verhalten verbessern] Du kannst es erstmal auf [ - ] stellen und mal testen, ob es wieder geht (sollte eigentlich, weil AGO dann nichts mehr bei den tooltips beeinflusst) Das eigentliche Problem wird damit nicht gelöst, aber die Funktion sollte erstmal wiederhergestellt sein^^

  • Normally you pin constructions from the target-position onto the Infopanel and send from any other position the resources by using the Transport-button. There is no action/button on the starting-position so far. I suggest to create there a Remain-button, so you can leave needed resources on the position for planned constructions and send away (collect) the other resources. This would be a special advantage for the queue list from the Commander but can also be used very well for normal accounts (…

  • we have to take care of what and when to highlight something. My suggestions for the Spiohelper are about highlighting the current selection (green=planet AND orange=moon) with a background color. Status tags like in the galaxy could also be given in Messages and the Infobox with all the listed planets of the currently selected player could appear aswell. From another suggestion there can be a different font color for each possible message subject. So an additional highlighting system can only b…

  • Fleet - Advanced Expedition

    fl00ri - - Fleet


    the presetted expeditions can be placed in the tooltip of the Routine-Expedition button, so there will still be enough place on the page (and no additional tab in the Infopanel for this small feature). within the tooltip can be placed the corresponding settings, means coordinates, mission icon, duration, holdingtime. Furthermore this presetted Expeditions only appear if they were setted up in the AGOoptions and dont need space if you dont use them...

  • Panel - OGame logo linked to Panel

    fl00ri - - Archive


    Instead of linking the Ogame logo there is now an arrow icon beside of it that will show the Infopanel by using it. So there are more options in AGO (since 5.5.4.) for the displaying of the Infopanel. The possible problems are solved and the logo still provides a link to the page you have chosen.

  • Panel - Visual adjustment

    fl00ri - - Archive


    within the update to 5.5.6. the Infopanel is now fitting with a small gap in the middle between the browser edge and the OGame menu (width), and also between the top and bottom edge of the browser (height). This depends on your current browser window size on pageload. The values in the AGO menu are for the minimum size now. It's great, i love it this way :D

  • yeah that would be an awesome feature - shocking and real ! :D

  • in the AGO option tab Tools, subsection Tools: there are several presetted links. If you delete an entry in between and look at the result, then you can see - Infopanel shows all links except the deletet one - Ago menu just shows the first few entries and hides the entries after the deleted one so if you create a new entry (fill the emty slot from the former deleted one) then it is displayed normal again. you could solve this issue by making checkboxes for the presetted links (like in every othe…

  • hello people, i had problems with AGO myself (no detailed info for players were shown) so i needed to go through the guide untill point G to fix it. I will show you what to do in detail . Note that you dont need any third party programs to save any data and that you wont loose any data by following this guide! This is for FireFox (should be similiar to other browser) 1.) AGO backup: - save you settings from ago this way: AGO → Data & Settings → Backup via server: → select "options & …

  • hi there I merged together all similiar suggestions about this topic (renamed the latest post) This features will all come soon in another own tab in the Infopanel where you can choose how the resources in flight will be count together (same coordinate, same mission - all own, all foreign or in total) possibly in a structure similiar to the tab Stationed. I expect that the resulting amount of resources may be pinned/marked for other actions that can use this (e.g. for sending missing resources f…