Search Results

Search results 81-100 of 474.

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    - Have been the target connection schedule studied? - ON. - Has the fleet-saving made the objective? - ON. - Controlled the exit of their ships? - ON. - Disappearance of debris? - ON. - Return time? - ON. - Ready our ships? - ON. - Were you dyslexic? - SEY. - ... We have enough deuterium? - ON.

  • It seems to me that Charlie, with all his good will, has made the "picha un lío" (no translation, hahahaaa). In Spain and other Latin countries, one billion means one million of millions (10 ^ 12), unlike the Anglo-Saxon countries that one billion means one thousand of millions (10 ^ 9). That is why in some Spanish and Latin American newscasts they say real barbarities, because they translate the Anglo-Saxon billion as if it were a Spanish billion, a great mistake. However, some years ago the Ro…

  • We hope someone takes the hint ... Well, it´s time for us to guh geh, a guh geh, leave. Awwwww. Sadly now, we sing again to each and everyone gladly we´ll com bak and then we´ll all have more fun watching Porky and his friends wish it never had to end. Don´t forget next time we meet we´re planning something big just be sure to join us then ...

  • Contest: luck is with you

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Congratulations Charlie!, you are the winner, the prize was hidden in cell 16F. My thanks to the rest of the participants, the game is over sooner than I thought. I'll send a private message to Charlie with the coupon code. I beg you to confirm in this thread that everything is correct and the coupon of 10 euros is valid. Long days and pleasant nights.

  • Contest: luck is with you

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Update the matrix up to here. _______________________ Change of rules: from now on, you can send 2 coordinates in each post.

  • Contest: luck is with you

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Update the matrix up to here. _______________________ Also, with "caprichitos" (little whims), like a little boy, hahahahaaa. Better so the matrix?, sir. Matrix with a 10 euro coupon hidden. PLAY !. ________________________________ EDITED: I have to swallow my own words with tomatoes. The mobile browser does not know how to draw the cells well. I will put the cells marked with text before the matrix.

  • Contest: luck is with you

    JJMonti - - Spam


    (Note: unofficial contest, not organized nor responsibility by forum.origin team). _______________________________________________________________ audiolibro-la-buena-suerte.png In the following matrix of 17 x 17 (rows: 1 to 17, columns: A to Q, 17 because it's prime number), in one of the cells is hidden the prize that has corresponded to me in the infographics contest (GameForge coupon of 10 euros) . Any user or member of the team (except Valent) can post in this thread maximum once a day by s…

  • Uhmmm, to fun ... I wish: Three months of vacations in the Caribbean with all expenses paid. A Ferrari Testarrosa cabriolet (red color). A luxury yacht moored on the beach. € 10,000,000 in my pocket. A voluptuous and stunning blond woman (no model) madly in love for me (if she is in love of my money, it does not matter, hehe). A good cold beer. ... For the next contest, you will have an idea of good prizes, hahahahaaa.

  • [Music] What are you listening to now?

    JJMonti - - Spam


  • Quote from Valent: “Since there is only one entry, no voting will be organised. The prize for the single participant was already sent. Congrats JJMonti and keep up the good activity . ” Thanks Valent, but ... Winning a contest where there is only one participant has no merit. I ask for permission to organize another simple contest and hand over the prize that has corresponded to me. It would be to create a thread where there is a matrix of 15x15 cells, these cells would be identified with row (1…

  • [Music] What are you listening to now?

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Now that Russia is fashionable with the World Cup ... It is a beautiful country, good people, pity they are so rough and unfriendly, they have suffered a lot in history.

  • Well, I'm going to open the contest so Valent does not get angry, hehe. ("Fleeters": invented word). infografia-ogame.jpg

  • Poor Valent !, do not you feel sorry ?, with the illusion that she has put in the contest ... To animate people, a sketch, not finished, still missing more images and text: boceto.jpg

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    One day the deputy director tells his assistant: "Have you ever seen a penguin?". - No. - To the principal's office!. When he arrives he tells the director: - the deputy director sent me here because I have never seen a penguin. - That you have not seen a penguin? Fired!!!!!!!. When I get home, his wife asks him: - What's wrong with you? - I've been fired! - Why? - Look, the deputy director has sent me to the director's office, the director has fired me and all because I have not seen a penguin.…

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    I do not like the football at all, I do not care who wins or who loses the World Cup, but we must recognize that Spanish are different: that no country comes up with the brilliant idea of dismissing its coach one day before the World Cup begins ?, hahahaaa. __________________________ English scientists excavated 50 meters underground and discovered small copper wires ... After studying these pieces of thread for a long time they came to the conclusion that the English natives already had a telep…

  • Valent: do not be "cagaprisas". I better not translate that Spanish expression, hahahaaaa, ask Danimanza what it means (of course, it's not an insult or a bad word).

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    More curious things that I have at home: Chinese abacus, with the one I taught my son to add. The "thing" next to is levitating, if it rotate the movement is almost continuous. abaco.jpg

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. Groucho Marx.

  • An story/anecdote/quote every day

    JJMonti - - Spam


    curiosa_resp.jpg Translation: Curious response of a Chilean child to a math problem. X. Analyze the situation and answer (3 points). Sofia says that to buy a book that costs $ 3.990, she needs 4 $1.000 bills and she will give her the change. Javier tells her that with 3 $1.000 bills is enough and she will not have to give the change. Who is right ?, mark it. Now, justify your answer. (Manuscript) Because she is a woman and women are always right. (PERFECT ANSWER !, very good boy, you really know…