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Quote from JoKy: “The old servers are still there. Servers moved with new server number. Bevore servermove e.g. Bermuda was 671, not it is 801. The portal can´t handle this kind of change, also it can´t remove servers from your portal account. That´s why it will stay like this until the feature is included in the portal So, you have to login via normal startpage. LG ” Thank you for your answers if I delete my portal Bermuda from me and then investing a new Acoount, the login would be played thro…
according to the following post the problem to be solved again here hence my question to the universe Bermuda. How can I get leigen the following message. Not Found The requested URL / portal / login was not found on this server When this issue should be range in falsities. Please I to shift by a moderator
a new ship
PostHi I think that you can fix the problem with the RapidFire well, but then still the question whether the solution like the players (Hidden Content) The new ship could have the following Rapidfire: (Hidden Content)
Quote from gamer2014: “for example you cap the amount at 5k dm a day and you have to spend it in the next 7 days otherwise it would vanish. so ppl cant buy admiral for 3 months via this function” Hello Personally, I find this idea is not bad, but is currently still the question how much dark matter would get for an item from the auctioneer. Or how much you get for DM metal, crystal or deuterium
Hello When I read the opening speech on this subject correctly and understand, then there is in each galaxy to this universe other Vorraumsetzungen for the players. This in turn introduces me to the question what is a so-mentioned disadvantage compensation or would. Since one does not forget so should be the player to be located For example, in Galaxy 8 or 9, might feel at a disadvantage in comparison with players It is in galaxies 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7. yes so what shipspeed the Galaxy 8 and 9 the w…
Quote from stark: “I open this thread to discuss different ideas that could increase the number of players so please leave comments and I hope Gameforge will listen to us and implement some of them ingame. My suggestion is to remove account deletion after 35 days if there is no DM purchased.Many players raid inactives ,especialy on depopulated universes where even top players do that because they have no other targets.Some people raid inactives just because is easier than raiding active players …
Hello I've got a suggestion for the game I have not found so here in the forum. Therefore I present him here just once before. It is sometime the point is reached that one more commodities than you need so why not exchange something useful such as dark matter. Now some will say that there will be no more farms because all their resources against dark matter then. At this point, again I speak, because which could look like this: 10,000,000 commodities to 20,000 DM 20,000,000 commodities to 30,000…