Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 73.

  • bem lembrado Bolo Rei ahahaha

  • Quote from Nanaki: “Quote from Bolo Rei: “A tugolândia anda desértica... Ouvi dizer que o primeiro tuga a levar um HOF tinha que fazer umas tentativas de lua à malta. Ou então tem que trocar de nick para Claudio Ramos, ou José Castelo Branco.” Mudo o meu nick para Castelo Branco durante 6 meses se Portugal ganhar o europeu!!” estou citando para me certificar que cumpres a promessa

  • Portugal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Estamos na final

  • Deut

    Paindeliver - - Archive


    Selling Deut for crystal only ratio 1:1 I Have up to 80k to sell pm, Paindeliver

  • In the end we play this game for the fun. And so far the biggest hit of the universe. Congratz and good rebuild to you both

  • fleet dissapeared

    Paindeliver - - General


    lost 105 probes today cause I went wrong coords xD Already rebuild

  • fleet dissapeared

    Paindeliver - - General


    Quote from frikin: “Quote from the devil: “Since the begining of the universe I've lost 4 fleets (2 today) and they have never reappeared. There is a bug somewhere, but I don't know where and neither the support. Of course the bug of the fleets "blocked" in mission has also occured but I'm not speaking about this one. For this, you just have to wait a few minutes and the fleets come back home. No, there is a real bug where fleets are totally disappearing and will never reappear. For me the two o…

  • se fosse como no pt de a 7-8 anos atrás acredito, nos dias de hoje nem teria saido da 1ª

  • Quote from AFK: “Isto ta morto.. tanto tuga ingame a jogar e ninguem spama aqui :P” estão a baliza in-game e pelo que que vejo deixam entrar tudo

  • Colonization disaster

    Paindeliver - - General


    it's all about RNG, I got 201 slots in slot 13 in my first attempt. Tryed 3 more times in slot 13 and 15 and they were all below 80 fields

  • Probes & bashing

    Paindeliver - - Archive


    Quote from frikin: “Who use probes for farming? :lol:” a lot of people and they are quite effective for farming new colonies. To counter this problem I send a few cargos with resources to my new colonies and build the x2 robots and x1 hangar just to construct a rocket launcher. Or you can send a prob for the new colonie that also works. I find the rocket launcher more effective since even if I get attacked I have a 70% chance of repairing it, also it quite counters a single cargo farm.

  • Quote from kajako: “Você está pronto para ele amanhã ?! pazdan-zoom.jpg” Sim nós estávamos preparados, pena que vocês não xD

  • Portugal carago!!!!!

  • Bolo R€i, i@ @gor@ m€smo m@ndar um@ d€ss@s. €ss€s €str@ng€iros vêm @qui inv@dir o nosso tópico lusit@no € €sp€r@m s@ir il€sos. Não t€ pr€ocup€s kajako, Portugal v@i ch€g@r @ fin@l! N€m pr€cis@s de us@r o tr@dutor do googl€ €u €scr€vi de form@ @ não s€r tr@duzido edit: A um cartão amarelo de falhar as meias-finais do UEFA EURO 2016 em caso de admoestaçãoPolónia - Portugal Polónia: Kamil Grosicki, Krzysztof Mączyński, Sławomir Peszko, Łukasz Piszczek, Michał Pazdan, Artur Jędrzejczyk Portugal: Wil…

  • Deut

    Paindeliver - - Archive


    More deuterium in g1 to sell. can aford 2:1:1 ratio ; mix or crystal

  • First moon of the universe?

    Paindeliver - - Battles


    Quote from NoMoreAngel: “And moved. Paindeliver where should be the first one, except DevLaTron's one?” Not sure if it's in g2 or g3, but there's another moon, I think it was only 1% or 2% chance, either way the defender got lucky =D edit: Found it, it's on G2 system 178 defender went V-mode. That was the first moon

  • Disappearing buildings

    Paindeliver - - Archive


    that is very weird, what level did you had before?

  • First moon of the universe?

    Paindeliver - - Battles


    We asked if it was possible to open a CR section. The CR section is there now, but for some reason no one posted any RC. I would post mine but they are very small hits and I don't want to spam this board with so weak attacks. Ask a Mod if he can move this thread to the rigth place. Nice attack by the way, and Defender enjoy your new toy =D Also this is the second Moon in the universe if I am not mistaken

  • Rapid Fire

    Paindeliver - - General


    Yes there is rapid fire, but be carefull cause there's a few modifications between this retro version and the new universes. Here heavy figthers do not have rapid fire against small cargos, cruisers only have 3 rapid fire against ligth figthers (unlike 10 in the new universes)

  • Deut

    Paindeliver - - Archive


    bump, more deuterium in g1