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  • [Old] Applications for API Keys

    Discepolo - - OGame API


    Hi! I would be glad to update my CR Converter in order tu use V6 - My converter is based on Halo Converter color theme, code is 100% new and under testing for versions previous to V6 - I'm a web developer/scripter and tool developer for an engineering company - Community - - - no willing to open source my code - no willing to extend testing (19th oct ) Valent: API key requested (29.10.2015) Valent API key sent

  • Hi all Usually, when in galaxy I mark a player as Target, Observed, Farm, etc, a small window appeared on the bottom left of the screen, listing that player's planets 7gr4E3.png The window appeared and disappeared as I turned on the player name in the left menu (Player section) now, the window is no more visibile, not even if I click on the player name ... In other account on the same computer, the window works fine is there a short cut or an option where I could have disabled this feature by ac…