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events in OGame
Optimus Prime - - General
PostI'm making my own events calender as many events repeat at same time Helpful in making most of your DM
you would have to reprogram a second debris field somehow...could just add second label when you rolll over it "Defensive debris" you could get 20% if you drop 1 rank or more and 35 % if you drop 5 ranks or more go as far as you want 50 % if you drop 10 ranks or more (and those are percentages of defensive structure ressources spent lost)
Most smashed fleet debris are collected by the attacker as a fleet smash is usually a good player who knows how to time attack to collect it right after they hit and adding a defenses lost debri field to the defender would only give back defensive structures res lost Not sure how that would cause pushing to give the defender res back from his defenses..he paid for them to begin with
The best idea you could possibly do is offer a private debris field to the ppl that are smashed best suggestion yet for keeping ppl interested most who leave have this happen to them You could give a defences debris field that only defenders can access^ or a 30% debris field of some sort so they have something to rebuild with if they experience ship annialation ( you dont want tot ake away from the attacker in the process of coarse) O.P.
Post -
So I am not sure when it's appropriate time to speak about merges as you guys have been busy But eridanus you can make 1000 res bid and nobody challenges you some ties its slow There needs to be action at some point to add players (perhaps this universe did not have alot of players to start but we can fix that) A universe should not be bickering over if it has 300 or 400 players or so Unis should have 1000 players at all times to keep it fun IMHO Action makes the game fun I do not know an approp…
PostIn all honesty Ogame's goal should be to merge before ppl ask for it to prevent boredom and promote actrivity BEFORE it gets dead