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  • After some time, players stop playing and gets idle status. When player is inactive 28 days, he is removing from universe and places that he had been taking was getting empty. So after few month, universe have a lot of empty spaces, because players are stopping playing. I propose replace inactive players, who have "long idle status" by bots. Bots will be behave like human. They will be build fleet, infrastructures and attack other players. After this operation galaxies will have long lives, alth…

  • In my opinion, fuel consumption should depend on the size of the planet. The smaller planet has smaller gravity, which makes it easier to launch fleets and will cost less fuel. According to this, Fleet Save will be cheaper on moon than on the planet and it will be the next advantage of owning the moon. Base of the calculation of consuming fuel maybe mother planet (all mother planets have same diameter) and planets (or moons) with less or more diameter will be less or more consume of deuter, when…