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Lord Katrosh, please read this post and see why changing the amount of rips needed hurts smaller players more than bigger ones, or rather players with more rips. Quote from AterBalbi: “I dislike parts of this change ALOT. Not the part of slowing down RIPs a LITTLE when they go for a destruction mission...this might help everybody to secure accounts more.. but the part with the changed percentage of MD and RIPloss is just meh and in conflict with the feedback we got from users for years. I agree …
Quote from gamer2014: “I strongly agree with the notion that moons are too weak at the moment I wouldnt lower the chance of losing rips - it should stay the same at all speeds. the desctruction percentage shouldnt get as low as suggested for 2x/3x I would divide the percentage by 1.5 and for 4x and up by 2.0 to make up for the more difficult moonrips get rid of saving via colonize (eg. colony ships can only be sent alone) good idea and fast implemention I hope this wasnt the last time we saw som…
Quote from Lord Katrosh: “Quote from RiV-: “Please think about that it's already possible to survive against big fleeters. ” Not if you sleep, work or have a life outside the game. It's a game...nobody should have sleepless night for it...not every time at least...and maybe this change will push more people to fleet.. P.s. this new formula doesn't save who has big fleet, but al least will stop the mooncrash for nothing, there's people with four, five moon destroyed for a bunch of empty cargo... …
Quote from JoKy: “For me the formula change is a good compromise. It will take care of the higher economy mine production and so you need more tries to destroy the moon. Because also the Rip destroy % is changed it isn´t that evil. So, still waiting for feedback It´s your chance! LG ” This is where all the noobs then creep in. "We will take care of the higher economy mine production." Have you seen the amount of huge miners in top 10 throughout every universe? I don't think miners need to benefi…
Good evening, I'll weigh in on this one. Ogame is a war/strategy game. This is not some Animal Farm Utopia where everyone will get along. Always was and always will be. The best way to survive in your "monopoly" of big sharks is to learn how to save properly. Of course "Fleeters" will observe you and perhaps even try to MD (Moon Destroy) some of your moons, but if they don't see anything which is worth the effort flying for than thats a "goodjob" to you. Now let's assume the Monopoly does phalan…