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  • Cisza, bo coraz mniej ludzi. Ja przykladowo w sobote wlaczylem opcje kasowania konta (top 560), nie chce mi sie juz grac. Majac rozrzucone wszystkie planety w 1 gali skanow dziennie nie bylo prawie w ogole lub moze 1-2 w maksie... Polowa kont to idlerzy lub osoby na urlopie. Granie na wyludniajacym sie uni, chociaz jedynym w swoim rodzaju nie ma zbytnio sensu, skoro widac, ze gra niedlugo wymrze zupelnie...

  • Idlers

    Someoneelse - - General


    Again saying the same, because last topic is closed Hey, I registered only for one thing. Why the hell You are creating so many idlers?! They are blocking so many good places for planets! two different players, two homeworlds in the same galaxy, same nicks (almost).... And You are creating more of them! WHY?! Last time You deleted some accounts and it was good, but some of them are still here

  • Idlers

    Someoneelse - - General


    I am going to add this, bcs it makes me nervous - some of Idlers are non deleting! it is sucks! because I have got 3 idlers that got more than 40 days of inactivity and they are still are blocking planets

  • Idlers

    Someoneelse - - General


    Hey, I registered only for one thing. Why the hell You are creating so many idlers?! They are blocking so many good places for planets! For example and the proof of my words: adsafewf 1:315:9 Homeworld adsafewff 1:315:11 Homeworld two different players, two homeworlds in the same galaxy, same nicks (almost).... And You are creating more of them! WHY?!