Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • - Official Polish discussion thread

    TheDonster - - General


    chlopacy nie kłóćcie sie....lepiej niech mi ktos powie gdzie te kozy sa?

  • that kind of behavior? really guys??? that´s what your mama taught you? Always thought the community is fun and respectfull but I guess even this changed...what´s all that with the bu**shi* racism etc tbh some of you should be really ashamed of yourself cuz something somewhere went really really wrong in your past.... I guess GF should really have made an IQ Test before letting people join the retro server -.-

  • - Official Polish discussion thread

    TheDonster - - General



  • Instantly deleted Planets

    TheDonster - - General


    i am not sure but isnt that the case if you change to delete account....I think it takes 7 days til the account is gone... maybe the players selected delete account and went then inactive.....not sure tho

  • Selling Metal for Crystal or Deut

    TheDonster - - Archive


    Hey guys, Have some metal to trade and would take crystal, deut or a mix of both. Currently I have 30k metal but soon I should have most probably more. Pm me ingame if interested I am in mid/upper g1 Lubby

  • Hey guys I am new on the retro server.... Started 15 days late... Do you know if there is something like gamestats for the retro Server? Would be pretty usefull^^

  • - Official German discussion thread

    TheDonster - - General


    Hab jetzt erst 15 Tage später angefangen... Wisst ihr ob es sowas wie gamestats für den retro Server gibt?