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Search results 1-16 of 16.

  • In case you didn't notice.. .there is similar wierdness on the production page... geologist, engineer and commanding staff appear below "items". geologist shows 10% of the mine production, for all 3 mines, but isn't included in the total production figure. btw... using chrome. don't know if this appears on firefox too.

  • Hi, I noticed today that I am building a "commanding staff", other allymates have found crystal is "Engineer" and metal is "geologist". e.g.

  • Have dl'd 6.3.5 just now and installed and not even an AGO logo appears on my ogame pages. removed and installed again but still not showing at all. Is it not compatible with my FF version? I'm using FF32

  • error on alliance management page

    revex - - Bug Reporting


    Your last action could not be processed. Please try again. (Error ID: cd8cb1cc4b84d4bd3e1f59aed47ba5ca) Don't know if this is the correct place to report it... the link just went to the dashboard Had simply clicked on the alliance management page and that popped up. Was using chrome v54. (where i am currently vac) The page seemed perfectly normal after I x'd the error message box.

  • Quote from NoMoreAngel: “The costs havent changed, just AGO seems to genereate some weird numbers ” How odd, I had those (wrong) numbers in a spreadsheet where I'd costed it for Betel way back. Guess I must have taken them from AGO and not the game. "noob is as noob does" bug-fix is taking a while for that one? Haven't noticed anything else yet.

  • Ingame astrophysics cost has changed. Just spent a few mins scratching my head wondering why it (ago costs bit) said I have excess deut for level 3, but I couldn't start the research lol

  • Retro gains so many players more than RD

    revex - - General


    Sad to say, I think the numbers are misleading anyway.... I have been attacked about 3-5 times since the start. In old uni's it'd not be uncommon to get launched at 3-5 times an hour. Either nearly everyone is mining and/or turtling? Not sure how much longer I'll hang in there.. as don't want to invest much more time in something that may well be dead in another 6 weeks or so Absolutely agree with sorc too... about the segregation. Doesn't work well in RL and certainly doesn't seem to be doing a…

  • 25k Deut

    revex - - Archive


    Selling 25k Deut for 37.5k crystal. pm ingame - revol.

  • Unofficial English discussion thread

    revex - - General


    gotta say shole... when i switch planet, i don't need to click continue. does switching planet count as your "clicked manually" ?

  • What level are your mines?

    revex - - General


    11/11/8/13 4/0/0/2

  • Bug

    revex - - General


    but the probes are not collecting ALL the available multi-resources? you haven't enough probe cargos space for everything? (I'm thinking your probes are raiding from e.g. 500/250/100 res, and you have 75 cargo space, instead of 425 cargo space? (care to share the spy report and cr capture to prove me wrong?) maybe someone else can explain the algorithm MUCH better than me, or link to it? or maybe retro uni has it's own algorithm, or is indeed bugged. If I'm wrong, I'd like to know, for my own ra…

  • Bug

    revex - - General


    Probably got the old-style cargo filling algorithm? You need to send more "cargo space" than 1/2, to collect the entire metal plunder. e.g if the planet has 10k metal, and nothing else, you would need to send 2 sc's to get 5k. 1 would only fill with approx 3.3k metal.

  • Planet Size charts

    revex - - General


    Couldn't see one, but found this one with average sizes. Probably not what you're looking for though as it's somewhat "limited" in the range From memory, old ogame had something like: minimum 19, maximum 324 on slot 4's. It wasn't uncommon to get 200 fields on a slot 15 but that was probably the max, or just a couple fields short of max fields cannot remember the others' extreme sizes, sorry.

  • Probe attacks

    revex - - General


    so you can build a bunch of probes and farm someone hundreds of times a day? kewl when peeps leave loads of forgotten res on defenceless moons

  • Is it possible to be able to highlight spy reports that contain a specified minimum amount of a certain resource? I'm sure I've been able to do that before (maybe it was foxgame?) EDIT by fl00ri: thread merged here because of topic

  • AGO won't backup

    revex - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    AGO will not perform a server backup when there's an apostrophe in the target colours text (colours & highlighting).