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Search results 1-14 of 14.

  • New version now live : - Added a share link - Moved BBCode to the top and added a copy button - The frontend now display a notification when an error occured while converting the combat report - Full i18n, localization is now live, for now it has french and english translation ENJOY !

  • Deployed a new update : - ACS CR is now handled (need some beta tester i think to make sure it works as expected) - You can now provide loots report - You can now provide harvest reports Coming soon : - Next step is to Handle WoltLab BBCODE - Localization

  • I see, too bad but thanks for your response about it

  • Hello everyone, Since TopRaider CR Converter is down i created Ogamazing which is a website that convert your combat reports completely based on the TopRaider skin and dark color. Once the combat report will be fully functional i'll add every other features of TopRaider to provide an alternative to it. You can test the CR convert here : @NoMoreAngel Let me know if it's possible to have my API Key available to all communities universes and not only the Pioneers so i can have better…

  • UP @ImperatorMaximus @JoKy

  • OGame API

    Ouraios - - OGame API


    Hello, i was wondering if there was a request limit in a period of time for fetch XML Data ? Because i want to retrieve playerData.xml for each player of a universe, for every universe, but i dont want to have my IP addresse black listed for that

  • Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to add the expeditions reports in the API ? It would be great for some stats on expeditions !

  • [New] API Key requests

    Ouraios - - OGame API


    *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key *** --> A website to aggregate CR, SR into stats and useful informations for the community *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. *** --> Community *** Will be open source? *** --> Of course ! Source code will be on my Github *** A short description of your developer / programming experience *** --> I'm a lead developper, my main languages are PHP, JS, HTML, CSS *** Link and description of previou…

  • It would be a great idea, especially now that most of the universes have speeds It would help many player to build fleets and defense easily in a snap of a finger !

  • Dear @Shole : there's 2 things really funny : - You just copy/paste my own fix to make AGO work again on FF 57 and over. But here you say that someone who have development skill should make his own code from scratch. So i guess you dont have development skills right ? - You said you can provide the legal stuff to show that you're the only and official owner of AGO but ... If Francolino agreed to give you all the legal ownership of AGO why he didn't gave the source code of AGO with the ownership …

  • @eswak i'm still waiting your answer about my question

  • AntiGameOrigin

    Ouraios - - AntiGameOrigin


    sorry but certificates are free. And hosting could cost only around 5 € a month. Since apparently Shole doesnt have 30 minutes to update the source code of AGO (im still waiting his answer on my post ... ), i started to look at the publishing process for FF57 on my own.

  • AntiGameOrigin

    Ouraios - - AntiGameOrigin


    This is really weird that it takes you that long to develop AGO for FF57, based on the chrome version of AGO it took me 3 hours to have a fully working extension of AGO for FF57. And i wasnt familiar with the source code of AGO so for you i guess it would take only 30 min to 1h

  • Hello, really nice script you made here ! I was wondering two things : - First ROI order from OgameUi++ and InfoCompte are not the same, which is the more accurate one ? - Is it possible to have an export function for sharing our empire evolution like in InfoCompte ?