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  • Moon Mining Rig

    Runner - - Suggestions


    Quote from Molle: “I sort of like the idea, but there is NO WAY it's going to happen the way you proposed it. The biggest possible moon in the game will by you'r formula give 909.312 DM per day (at lvl 1), now imagine having 12 moons!! NO WAY will GF allow this! There might be a chance if your mine would produce 1-5% of what you suggest. But chances would be slim at best. I do like the relative long construction time. It's a lunar building and should take quite some time to complete. ” Was my ma…

  • Let's not call them bots. Let's call them Interactive NPC's. And this could also be useful as a round-the-clock thing for every universe. Imagine an alliance attacking an NPC planet to get some cool loot, which includes Repaired Ships from the DF after the battle (much like expedition), Dark Matter crates, Resources, Items, and even Rescued Officers (:D). If any of you tried EVE, you know what i am talking about

  • Moon Mining Rig

    Runner - - Suggestions


    Moon Mining Rig Description: It has been known for quite a long time that moons, just like any other objects in space, may contain valuable resources that can be mined at greater expense than regular mining, which is done on planets. Though it has been considered not as profitable as planet mining, recent discoveries have yelded a surprising result: metals, crystals or deuterium are really not worth the hassle, but Dark Matter is. With the help of extremely powerful lasers and a graviton field, …

  • ADVANCED RESEARCH DIVISION Description: After the acclaimed discovery and implementation of the Intergalactic Research Network, Emperors all around the Universe still saw that their Researches took too long to complete so they formed an elite team of scientist that were focusing on discovering faster researches to further increase the development of their empires with faster engines, advanced armor, shield and weapons, and even ways to expand their territories. At the beginning of the project th…