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  • Buying cristal

    Escape - - Archive


    Buying 200 k cristal for deut or metal 2:1:1 Ok me in game or reply here Escape

  • 1 round battle a

    Escape - - Archive


    Trab, but maybe i didnt explain myself properly, the fact is that if i only send a few cargos and there's one single rocket i know both will lose anything... But the combat report only shows 1 round not 6 of them

  • 1 round battle a

    Escape - - Archive


    Happend to me a few times, always in fitghs which would have ended in a draw anyway, something like sending 6 small cargos and when my fleet arrives there's one small defense ( rocket or light laser) i just get a normal one round battle report and after that battle end in a tie. It always happend with that fleets ( few lonely cargos in attack and 1 small defense) so my question is, is it some kind of bug, or after one round of battle the algorithm know a its going to be a tie with 0 loses by bot…

  • CR thread?

    Escape - - Archive


    Quote from Paindeliver: “According to ogmem there's already a 1% crash But if we had an oficial CR forum that would be great, mainly because many people do not know ogmem.” Can i ask what ogmen is?, url?

  • Colonization disaster

    Escape - - General


    As Manu propale said there are a few "problems" compares to actuall game, there's only one nice Spot Per galaxy, and too ma y players figthing for that, if you want an advice, expensive but that cant grant you a p4-p6 if g1/g2 look for a destroyed planet, colonice in p3 and then use a other colonizer from there to p4, its Fairly expensive as you need 2 colons and maybe moré if first try is a 57 fields planet as it happend to me, but that ls grant you'll pico the Spot you want, if planet is to sm…

  • Half deut on deploy

    Escape - - General


    Un actuall versión if you deploy fleets you need to pay initially the same amor of deut as if you transport but in case you do not cancell the deploy and fleet arrive it destiny it would Also mo elaboró to the planet half of the deut you pay, my question is if in this version that works same Way. Ty

  • Destroy of new planets

    Escape - - General


    I actually checked its as someone said at something like 1:20/1:25 server time, with a minimun of 24 hours, actually there are 50 minutes missing for today reset, so if you delete planet now it would became aviable again in 24 hours and 50 minutes, but if you wait 1 hour it will need 47 hours and 50 minutes to be deleted Also i thought that you can send the colonicer even if planet field wasn´t empty, but you need the destroyed planet to be deleted

  • Destroy of new planets

    Escape - - General


    Does anyone knows exact time of destroyed planets dissappearing? thought it was at 3 a.m. but checked something like 1:30 a.m. and my target planets had already dissapeared, i need to know it to sincro a pair of colonizer as someone already overtake me already for 5 times and i already got 3 colonizer looking for a planet

  • Destroy of new planets

    Escape - - General


    And reset is at 3 am server time? Dependa on your time zone but it would be in 2 hours and 20 minutes from now?

  • Destroy of new planets

    Escape - - General


    Its hard to find an empty planet on g1/g2 in a nice position, my question is when are destroyed plaets deleted, i read something about 3 a.m. server time, but not sure if that worked also in this uni, also in case it is at 3 a.m., or any other time, it would be at 3 a.m. after the planet is destroyed or you need to wait 24 hours, i mean lets say i destry planet at 1 a.m., would it be deleted at 3 a.m. just only 2 hours after i destroyed it?

  • 1st colony

    Escape - - General


    I've alresdy colonize twice in p4 First was a 56 fields i instadeleted (now i regreat about it, with los mines it could hice some profit till i fill up all planet slots. And the second one Also in p4 for an outstandings 110 fields ( notice irony) I know irá a matter of luck too but wasn't p4-6 the bigest on average? Something 200+ would be fine for me, next Colon de part in 30 minutes wish me luck i need it

  • Terraformer

    Escape - - General


    Hi everyone, my question is about terraformer, actually it faces +5 build slots (4 considero fan you need one for the terraformer itself) and Also it cost energy too (1000 and x2 each lvl), but i es red to know If some one remember of in this version work a the same, thanks

  • Gammaglider cost

    Escape - - General


    I asume it cost 10ks of metal, cristal or a mix of both, but does it cost deut too?

  • Debris from a moon try

    Escape - - General


    Thanks both for the answer, i asumed both tríes are made almost at the same time or within a few hours ( much less than 72) and with the same fleets

  • Debris from a moon try

    Escape - - General


    If i'm not wrong in case a lower player rank (lets call him A) makes An attack on a stronger player (B) just to try An make him a moon, debris must be returned to A, so it must be recicled by B or recicled by A and them transport all respires to A. If the moon try is done by the stronger player in the smaller o the smaller obedece planet any of them can keep the debris or recicle ir and send it to the other one But my question is in case both makes a moon try on each other at the same time, can …