Since 2009, Ogame has included the new technology: astrophysics. This technology allow you to have more colonies, send more expeditions at time and colonise all planet slots.
=How to send expedition?=
First, to be able to send an expedition, you need to have astrophysics. The number of expedition depends of this technology. Here the formula:
Number of expeditions = RootSquare(Astrophysics). So, the number of expedition grow at level like that:
Astrophysical level 1 = 1 expedition in the same time
Astrophysical level 4 = 2 expedition in the same time
Astrophysical level 9 = 3 expedition in the same time
Astrophysical level 16 = 4 expedition in the same time
Astrophysical level 25= 5 expedition in the same time
Note that it is possible to have one extra expedition if you activate Admiral. Check <<Premium features>> for more information.
What we need to put to maximize the expedition for find ships, resources? It’s depending of the top 1.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100k of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 2.500 expedition points. You
can find maximum 500.000 metal, 250.000 crystal or 166.667 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 1M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 6.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.200.000 metal, 600.000 crystal or 400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 5M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 9.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.800.000 metal, 900.000 crystal or 600.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 25M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 12.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 2.400.000 metal, 1.200.000 crystal or 800.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 50M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 15.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.000.000 metal, 1.500.000 crystal or 1.000.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 75M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 18.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.600.000 metal, 1.800.000 crystal or 1.200.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 21.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 4.200.000 metal, 2.100.000 crystal or 1.400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has more than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 25.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 5.000.000 metal, 2.500.000 crystal or 1.666.666 deuterium during an expedition.
The number of expedition points is: (Structural Integrity* 5) / 1.000
So, here the number of expedition points:
Light Fighter: 20
Heavy Fighter: 50
Cruiser: 135
Battleship: 300
Battlecruiser: 350
Bomber: 375
Destroyer: 550
Small Cargo: 20
Large Cargo: 60
Espionage Probe: 5
You can't find death star, colony ship and recycler.
Tip for raiders:
You need to have 1 Destroyer, 1 Espionage probes and Small/Large Cargo.
Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 33 Larges Cargo
Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 91 Larges Cargo/273 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 141 Larges Cargo/423 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 191 Larges Cargo/573 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 241 Larges Cargo/723 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 291 Larges Cargo/873 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 341 Larges Cargo/1.023 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 > 100M points you can have 25.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 417 Larges Cargo/1.223 Smalls Cargo
This is not useful to use more fight ship, because there are a risk with aliens or pirates. Also, the expedition takes only the best ships in the expedition.
Another advice, a lot of players prefer put a bomber, to avoid big fight against the aliens and pirates.
For miners: You need to have full Small/Large Cargo.
Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 42 larges cargo or 125 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 100 larges cargo or 300 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 150 larges cargo or 450 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 200 larges cargo or 600 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 250 larges cargo or 750 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 300 larges cargo or 900 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 350 larges cargo or 1.050 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 > 100M points you can have 24.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 400 larges cargo or 1.200 smalls cargo + 1 probes
=What can I find?=
What happen during the expeditions? They are different scenario possible; you can find resources, fleet, Dark Matter, Merchant. However, you can have a fight, lost ships. Also, your fleet can be back faster or slower. Finally, you can find nothing during an expedition. Here the probability of each events:
1) Find Dark Matter:
- 9% of the expedition.
The experience show you can find:
small package: 300-400 DM
medium package: 500-700 DM
large package: 1.000-1.800 DM
2) Find abandoned ships:
- 22% of the expedition finds ships
3) Find resources ships:
- 32,5% of the expedition brings resources
68,5% metal
24% crystal
7,5% deuterium.
4) Find pirates:
- 5,8% of the expedition meet pirates. They have you combat technology -3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have
7/7/7). Normal pirates fleet are +/- 30% of your structural points, large pirates fleet are +/- 50% of your structural points, x-large pirates fleet +/- 80% of your structural integrity points.
5) Find aliens:
- 2,6 % of the expedition meet aliens. They have you combat technology +3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have 13/13/13). The size of the aliens fleet are between 40% to 120% of you structural integrity points.
6) The fleet has delay:
- 7% of the expedition takes 2, 3 or 5 times of delay.
7) The fleet back early:
- 2% of the expedition come back early
Find nothing:
-18,6% of the expedition finds nothing.
9) Black hole:
- 0,33% of the expedition the whole fleet or in partial can be lost.
10) Find a merchant:
-0,7% of the expedition finds a merchant. CAREFUL!!! You need to click on the right resources! He is in an orange box! If you don’t click on the right box, you pay 3.500 Dark Matter.
In the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.
We need to use this formula to know how many resource you find:
(factor) * (Expedition points) = Metal
((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = Crystal
((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 3 = Deuterium
Example: If you have a X-Large discovery and the factor of multiplication is 176 with the top 1 over 100M points (So the maximum of expedition points are 24.000):
176 (factor) * 24.000 (Expedition points) = 4224.000 metal.
CAREFUL: Don’t forget to have enough cargo capacity in your ships.
First, structural integrity is metal + crystal. It’s the same formula for the ships as for the resources.
The factor of multiplication stay the same so in the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.
((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = structural integrity (Metal + Crystal)
Top 1 < 100k points, the maximum of structural integrity is 250.000.
Top 1 < 1M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 600.000.
Top 1 < 5M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 900.000.
Top 1 < 25M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.200.000.
Top 1 < 50M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.500.000.
Top 1 < 75M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.800.000.
Top 1 < 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.100.000.
Top 1 > 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.500.000.
The system is regenerate 10 expeditions per day.
Between 0 to 10 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is not exhausted so keep going!
Between 10 to 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is a little exhausted, maybe you should change sector.
More than 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is exhausted, you need to wait or change sector.
=How to send expedition?=
First, to be able to send an expedition, you need to have astrophysics. The number of expedition depends of this technology. Here the formula:
Number of expeditions = RootSquare(Astrophysics). So, the number of expedition grow at level like that:
Astrophysical level 1 = 1 expedition in the same time
Astrophysical level 4 = 2 expedition in the same time
Astrophysical level 9 = 3 expedition in the same time
Astrophysical level 16 = 4 expedition in the same time
Astrophysical level 25= 5 expedition in the same time
Note that it is possible to have one extra expedition if you activate Admiral. Check <<Premium features>> for more information.
What we need to put to maximize the expedition for find ships, resources? It’s depending of the top 1.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100k of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 2.500 expedition points. You
can find maximum 500.000 metal, 250.000 crystal or 166.667 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 1M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 6.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.200.000 metal, 600.000 crystal or 400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 5M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 9.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.800.000 metal, 900.000 crystal or 600.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 25M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 12.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 2.400.000 metal, 1.200.000 crystal or 800.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 50M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 15.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.000.000 metal, 1.500.000 crystal or 1.000.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 75M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 18.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.600.000 metal, 1.800.000 crystal or 1.200.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 21.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 4.200.000 metal, 2.100.000 crystal or 1.400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
On the universes that the top 1 has more than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 25.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 5.000.000 metal, 2.500.000 crystal or 1.666.666 deuterium during an expedition.
The number of expedition points is: (Structural Integrity* 5) / 1.000
So, here the number of expedition points:
Light Fighter: 20
Heavy Fighter: 50
Cruiser: 135
Battleship: 300
Battlecruiser: 350
Bomber: 375
Destroyer: 550
Small Cargo: 20
Large Cargo: 60
Espionage Probe: 5
You can't find death star, colony ship and recycler.
Tip for raiders:
You need to have 1 Destroyer, 1 Espionage probes and Small/Large Cargo.
Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 33 Larges Cargo
Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 91 Larges Cargo/273 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 141 Larges Cargo/423 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 191 Larges Cargo/573 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 241 Larges Cargo/723 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 291 Larges Cargo/873 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 341 Larges Cargo/1.023 Smalls Cargo
Top 1 > 100M points you can have 25.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 417 Larges Cargo/1.223 Smalls Cargo
This is not useful to use more fight ship, because there are a risk with aliens or pirates. Also, the expedition takes only the best ships in the expedition.
Another advice, a lot of players prefer put a bomber, to avoid big fight against the aliens and pirates.
For miners: You need to have full Small/Large Cargo.
Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 42 larges cargo or 125 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 100 larges cargo or 300 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 150 larges cargo or 450 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 200 larges cargo or 600 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 250 larges cargo or 750 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 300 larges cargo or 900 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 350 larges cargo or 1.050 smalls cargo + 1 probes
Top 1 > 100M points you can have 24.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 400 larges cargo or 1.200 smalls cargo + 1 probes
=What can I find?=
What happen during the expeditions? They are different scenario possible; you can find resources, fleet, Dark Matter, Merchant. However, you can have a fight, lost ships. Also, your fleet can be back faster or slower. Finally, you can find nothing during an expedition. Here the probability of each events:
1) Find Dark Matter:
- 9% of the expedition.
The experience show you can find:
small package: 300-400 DM
medium package: 500-700 DM
large package: 1.000-1.800 DM
2) Find abandoned ships:
- 22% of the expedition finds ships
3) Find resources ships:
- 32,5% of the expedition brings resources
68,5% metal
24% crystal
7,5% deuterium.
4) Find pirates:
- 5,8% of the expedition meet pirates. They have you combat technology -3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have
7/7/7). Normal pirates fleet are +/- 30% of your structural points, large pirates fleet are +/- 50% of your structural points, x-large pirates fleet +/- 80% of your structural integrity points.
5) Find aliens:
- 2,6 % of the expedition meet aliens. They have you combat technology +3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have 13/13/13). The size of the aliens fleet are between 40% to 120% of you structural integrity points.
6) The fleet has delay:
- 7% of the expedition takes 2, 3 or 5 times of delay.
7) The fleet back early:
- 2% of the expedition come back early

-18,6% of the expedition finds nothing.
9) Black hole:
- 0,33% of the expedition the whole fleet or in partial can be lost.
10) Find a merchant:
-0,7% of the expedition finds a merchant. CAREFUL!!! You need to click on the right resources! He is in an orange box! If you don’t click on the right box, you pay 3.500 Dark Matter.
In the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.
We need to use this formula to know how many resource you find:
(factor) * (Expedition points) = Metal
((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = Crystal
((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 3 = Deuterium
Example: If you have a X-Large discovery and the factor of multiplication is 176 with the top 1 over 100M points (So the maximum of expedition points are 24.000):
176 (factor) * 24.000 (Expedition points) = 4224.000 metal.
CAREFUL: Don’t forget to have enough cargo capacity in your ships.
First, structural integrity is metal + crystal. It’s the same formula for the ships as for the resources.
The factor of multiplication stay the same so in the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.
((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = structural integrity (Metal + Crystal)
Top 1 < 100k points, the maximum of structural integrity is 250.000.
Top 1 < 1M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 600.000.
Top 1 < 5M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 900.000.
Top 1 < 25M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.200.000.
Top 1 < 50M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.500.000.
Top 1 < 75M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.800.000.
Top 1 < 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.100.000.
Top 1 > 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.500.000.
The system is regenerate 10 expeditions per day.
Between 0 to 10 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is not exhausted so keep going!
Between 10 to 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is a little exhausted, maybe you should change sector.
More than 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is exhausted, you need to wait or change sector.