TopRaider -To know the profits made each day, and compare to others

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    • TopRaider -To know the profits made each day, and compare to others


      Hi :)
      Here is a new website I just made for raider.

      Then, what is this site ?
      It's a website that allows raider to see the profits they make each day/weeks/month or whatever period you want with raid summaries and charts :

      Here are a raid summary of the day and the week :

      And here are the kind of charts you can find :

      But with this site also allows player to compare to each other by participating to the "Top Raider of the week" that rank the 20 best raiders of the week. (those who make the best profits)

      The best alliance and the best universes are also ranked

      (the participation to these TOP is optional)

      Here is the top raider of the current week : (you can also sort the results by country, by universes or by fleet speed )

      You can also see a records pages with the global records, and your records

      Since the V6, It contains a CR convertor :

      And a link to a speedsim using the API key to enter data :

      How it works ?
      To use it, you only need to install this script :
      (F.A.Q : )

      Then, open a combat report
      Open a combat report. An email and a password will be asked to create you account on this website.
      Once the email and password filled, you just have to open your combat reports to automatically send them to the website.
      Then you will only have to login to to access to your statistics :)

      Further information:
      * The site considers you harvested all the debris fields by default. But you can change it in your CR list (profits pages)
      * When you ACS attack or defend, the losses and earnings are spread between the participants depending the value of their sent fleet
      * The top of the week end/start between Monday and Sunday, and is updated each hour
      * If you want to translate it in another languages, it's easy to do. Please contact me ;)

      If you have questions, problems or suggestion. Say it ;)

      ** OgameTech **

      The post was edited 5 times, last by vulca ().

    • From .org known bugs list:

      Combat Report: Wrong size of DF shown in combat report

      Occasionally the wrong df is shown at the bottom of the combat
      report, the correct df is still produced in galaxy view (simple rounding

      Eg. 7.699.999 crystal shown.
      It's just a display bug obviously, nothing changes ingame per se, but since it's written on the CR it affects all profits calculators, CR converters, etc.
    • At first I wondered how it was calculated.
      Because besides mine info you can subtract from the accounts after installing and the general top lists, you won't have much info.
      You could assume that " delta points - minus mines = raid profit " , but that wouldn't be so accurate.

      Then I read you let people upload CR's, right? That makes it quite accurate per case, but not really universe wide right?
      Because it only displays those who have installed your script if im not mistaken.

      Will it also work with the new type of CR's?

      Sure makes ogame more competitive which is good!
      I can haz Super Cheap

      Team Manager:
      Game Admin:
    • Then I read you let people upload CR's, right? That makes it quite accurate per case, but not really universe wide right?
      Because it only displays those who have installed your script if im not mistaken.

      That's right. The script upload the CRs when you open it.
      For the accuraty universe wide, it depends. On my universes ( the script is used by almost all activ raiders and even by many miners who used SC to raid ^^.

      But anyway, who care if the ranking is accurate or not ? There is a rank, and you try to appear at the top. It's really motivating !
      Many raider began to raid again with that :D

      And even if you don't care about the rank, it's pretty cool to know how many profits you make each day :)

      And yes, it will works with new CRs. Or with the new RC API maybe if that is available :)

      ** OgameTech **
    • Yeah the accuracy is based on the script's success, in your case not a problem. you make great scripts.
      And i totally agree it makes it very competitive :) Just wanted to know how it worked.
      I can haz Super Cheap

      Team Manager:
      Game Admin:
    • At first I ignored this, but now it appears it's actually something I really could use. Ever since I started farming everywhere I couldn't keep track of how much I farmed, now I have a way to do so.

      With 6.0, will it be possible to automatically submit the CRs so we don't have to open each CR individually?
    • Suggestion, could you add the profits per day to the statistics page? Also maybe add a tab to total profits at the top to cover each resource type. It is possible to get the info from the profits page, but it's rather a pain to put in the date all the time.

      Maybe also change graphs to go from single color for all resources to each resource type having its own color and stack on top of each other. Thanks in advance.
    • Suggestion, could you add the profits per day to the statistics page?

      That already on the charts page

      Also maybe add a tab to total profits at the top to cover each resource type. It is possible to get the info from the profits page, but it's rather a pain to put in the date all the time.

      OK, I will ;)

      Maybe also change graphs to go from single color for all resources to each resource type having its own color and stack on top of each other. Thanks in advance.

      The problem is that I don't know the profits for each ressource. Because I don't know the composition of the losses.
      Maybe I can add metal/cristal/deut won and losses within each day profit bar.
      I will test that, to see what it does :phatgrin:

      ** OgameTech **
    • hey Vulca
      awesome job i really love it!
      but i have one question..would it be possible for topraider
      to have like 2 types?
      for a miner and for a fleeter
      i as a miner rarely use my fleet
      and when i use it cuz of the size of it the deut bill is not bigger than 2m
      and i almost never steal DFs
      so im wondering..would it be possible for me as a miner to disable that
      "Add stolen DF or RIP lost and IPM" part

      its no biggie if its not possible but i figured id ask

      other than works PERFECT!