The script just work when you have the AntiGame extension enabled.
2016-04-14: ImperatorMaximus: Tool submitted for toleration.
- Info : Orinigally this script just showed the remaining fields in planets, what I did was modify it to show the remaining fields of the planet and moon... As a plus I added the shortcuts added in OGame update 6.1.5.
- Author : Originally was created by Capt Katana, but I updated it
- Website : No one
- Support : Remaining Fields Support
- Download : OGame Redesign: Remaining Fields
- Screenshot : In description
- Browser : Tested on FireFox
- Languages : Spanish, English, Deutsch

The script just work when you have the AntiGame extension enabled.
2016-04-14: ImperatorMaximus: Tool submitted for toleration.
The post was edited 2 times, last by Kang ().