Info : RaiderTab is an Excel Table that helps you to sort your spy reports in differents criteria.
Author : OddWH
Website : /
Support : Currently here, I'll make a support mail address if the tool becomes tolerated
Download :…BekVrdms/view?usp=sharing
Screenshot :…1455471128-raidertab2.png
Browser : /
Languages : Every languages, but English and French are officialy supported
With RaiderTab, you can choose to sort your spy reports by fleets, defs, or different kind of profits (metal, crystal, deut, or even profits/hour). It creates usable links, you click on the buttons and you can launch your attack on the game.
It works like Spiohelper from AGO, or raid facile (before v6), or RaidsTable. But it has some more features like :
- You can save your spy report list and use it on android/IOS (with excel app).
- You can sort an huge amount of reports (up to 500).
- You can sort your reports by profit/hour, it takes care of your ships techs, the speed of your universe and from where you launch.
- It creates secondary waves if the profit is higher than what you want
- It can delete lines if fleets or def are higher than what you want
Finally, this excel answers (anyway, for me) perfectly with what I expect of a sorting tool. I can easily launch attacks on android and I can sort my 250 spy reports I do the morning before I go to my work :P. Currently, I don't see any other solution that fits with me

- Compatible (tested) with Office 2007 and 2013, French versions (Currently, I don't know with English versions

- Works with VBA Macros, so you have to autorize them in Excel.
Source Code Available Here :
PS : As it uses VBA, it could not work at the first launch, if your excel blocked macros.
Update 15/02/2016 : I edited source code and download links as I discovered some issues (buttons has to be removed to be able to launch the table on excel mobile, and after lines 7xx, coords were replaced by others values).
The post was edited 2 times, last by OddWH ().