- Info : Online utility for OGame
- Author : vld
- Website :
- Support :
- Browser : Google Chrome (compatible with others)
- Languages : English, Italian
Converter : combat report converter
Database : fast query OGame data (through API)
Universe : fast game universe view (through API) [WORK IN PROGRESS]
Monitor : check availability of server/official site
Handling : fleet movement calculator [WORK IN PROGRESS]
Simulator : combat simulator [WORK IN PROGRESS]
Utility : calculation tools (currently available old version: ETu [WORK IN PROGRESS]
Mobile : available tools for mobile device (currently only Database)
Extension : available browser extension (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera)
[spoiler=Request language]
To add language send me a email/private message with name of ships and defense in that language
[spoiler=Request universe]
To add universe on a tool (Database, Monitor...) send me a email/private message with your game URL (example:
Tool submitted for tolearation by Shole | 08.12.2015.
Tool officially tolerated by GameForge | 14.01.2016